A Toddler Survival Kit

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SuperAbsorbent #CollectiveBias

How to Create a

Toddlerhood is had, y’all. Toddlers are not for the faint of heart. There’s lots of tantrums, messes, and dirty diapers. It’s hard on you and your little one! Everyone always complains about the terrible twos and the threenagers. As soon as Sawyer turned one, I knew I was in for it! He knows exactly how to get what he wants and how to react when he doesn’t. He’s smart. Too smart.

But, I think I found a few tips and tricks to make toddlerhood a little easier. In fact, I even put together a toddler survival kit. I mentioned to my mama friend that I was going to make one of these, and she laughed out loud, then paused, then asked if I could make one for her too! Ha! I think we’ll all try just about anything if it might make this motherhood thing a little bit easier! Don’t worry, I’m going to share it with you, too.

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A Summer Vacation Must Have!

It’s a happy Monday today! We’re leaving for vacation tonight! Yay!

We had an amazing summer. Seriously, incredible. I made a goal at the beginning of the summer to spend less time on the couch and more time outside, experiencing life. I’m so glad I did that. I live in Colorado, so there’s plenty of time for Netflix binges during our countless snowstorms.

Couch, I’m coming for you in a few months. But for now, it’s still summer until September 21st! We thought we’d end summer with a bang and go on one last vacation. We can’t wait!

In the spirit of summer, I have something really cool to share with you today. You might have seen me freaking out over it on my Instagram and Snapchat stories (in the words of my husband, I’m easily amused). I had so much fun with these products, and I know you will too.

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Friday Favorites- Latchy Catchy and ShanShar Fashion

Happy, happy Friday! I’m so excited because as soon as I’m done with work today, I’m on vacation! On Monday we leave for a week in San Diego and I’m so excited! Before I go, I have a few things to share with you!

Today’s Friday Favorites is my picks for Sawyer. One of the things is super cute and fun, and the other is super useful and makes being his Mom a little easier!

Latchy Catchy

How did I live before Latchy Catchy? I have no idea. As I mentioned in my Evoz Baby post, I am a paranoid parent. So, even though I have a video monitor with cry detection, I still go in and check on Sawyer throughout the night and during his naps. I’m a lot better than I used to be. I used to literally check on him 3-4 times a night. As in, I would wake up from my beauty sleep, get out of bed, walk down the hall, go in his room, check to make sure he was breathing, and go back to bed. 3-4 times a night. Now, I only do it once, before I go to sleep (we put him down 2-3 hours before we actually go to bed, so I check on him before I’m out for the night).


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Get Up and Go Chocolate Protein Energy Balls!

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #KashiPlantPower #GOTOGETHER #CollectiveBias

Get Up and Go

I have such a treat for you guys today! I have been making these protein balls forever! They’re always a hit, and people are constantly asking for the recipe. I played around with it a bit in the last few months since we’ve gone paleo, and I think I finally perfected it! I’m so excited to share it today.

Finding something that tastes good and is also good for you can be so hard. I’m really picky, and it’s not often that I actually enjoy and feel satisfied by something that is clean. Eating clean is a big sacrifice for me, because I feel sometimes it means giving up good tastes and flavors. Since I’m so picky, I tend to stick with things that are more bland in the first place. And then to add in eating clean can make eating kind of dull. So, I try to create my own recipes whenever I can and play with flavors!

Life gets crazy and sometimes I need a pick me up. But I want that pick me up to be sweet, I also want it to be good for me. But, it still has to taste good. I want it to give me energy, and I don’t want to spend a ton of time making it, nor do I want to do a ton of dishes afterwards.

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How to Pack your Carry-On When Traveling with a Baby or Toddler!

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MomsHelper #CollectiveBias

How to Pack the Perfect Carry-on!

We’ve been lucky to go on quite a few adventures since Sawyer has been born. A few weekend getaways and a few vacations! Next week, we’re heading out to San Diego! This will be Sawyer’s 3rd out of state trip, making for his 5th plane ride! We’ve learned quite a few tips and tricks for traveling with a baby (now toddler).

Packing your carry-on correctly is essential.  As moms, the diaper bag will be our carry on, and we need to make sure it is stocked with everything we need for a smooth flight! There is nothing worse than a cranky baby on an airplane. It’s horrible for the parents, and for the other passengers! Here are all my tips and tricks for flying with your little one.


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Friday Favorites- Milestone Baby and Avanchy

Happy Friday! We have had an emotional and crazy week. Those of you that follow me on Instagram know we suffered a miscarriage over the weekend. I’ll probably write up a long, emotional piece about it in the next few weeks (writing out my feelings always makes me feel better), but I wanted to take a minute to say thank you all so much for your support and kind words. They mean the world to me. It’s one thing for you guys to read my blog and “like” my amateur social media photography, but it’s another to truly support me. Your prayers and kind words mean everything to us. Thank you again.

So, I’ve been a little absent from the blog this week as I took the time to rest and heal physically and emotionally, but wanted to pop in and share my Friday Favorites. I have a lot of exciting things to share with you over the next few weeks, and nothing makes me feel more normal than getting back into my routine, I wanted to get back on the horse and get started! Today, I have 2 fun products that every mom needs!

Milestone Baby

I’m one of those Moms that likes to document everything. The firsts, only happen once. ONCE! It all goes by so fast and that breaks my Mama heart. I need to be able to remember. I need to document! Milestone Baby takes care of all your documenting needs! They provide photo cards to document all your little one’s firsts from pregnancy through toddlerhood. I wish I had known about it when Sawyer was first born! But, now I have the toddler cards and they are so fun!

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Peace of Mind with Evoz

Y’all, I’m a paranoid parent. I’ll just come right out and say it. I’m a paranoid parent, and I’m proud. When Sawyer was born, I did not sleep. He slept, plenty. But I did not. I was so terrified of SIDS that I couldn’t sleep. I checked on him every 5 minutes. We bought a breathing monitor and that helped a little. He slept 5 feet away from me until he was 8 months old.

To this day, I take the monitor with me everywhere when he’s sleeping. In the bathroom, upstairs, downstairs, out to check the mail. If he’s in his crib, the monitor is in my hand.

My name is Katie Brown, and I am a paranoid parent.

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How We Save With Groupon

Thank you to Groupon Goods for sponsoring this post. As always, all opinions expressed are my own.

Happy Wednesday! Lately, life has been…interesting. To say the least! So many twists, turns, and developments, I wouldn’t change it for anything! One of the few changes we’ve made in life lately, is I’ve had to cut back on working due to some childcare issues. Because of that, we’ve been being careful to stay within our budget and not overspend. I’ve been keeping my spending under control by getting a lot of our goods on Groupon!

I’m sure you’ve heard of Groupon.  It’s an amazing resource for everyone! Right now you can access it via the website or the app. And it makes shopping so easy! I’ve made it a general rule of thumb for myself to always check Groupon before making a purchase. I can usually find what I’m looking for for less! Whether it’s clothing, something for Sawyer, electronics, or even home decor (right now they have an awesome deal on sheets).

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Toddler Style with Finn + Emma

Dressing Sawyer feels like a much more daunting task now that he wears more than just onesies. He wears actual shirts and shorts and pants and shoes. And while he looks adorable, he also looks so grown up. Like a little boy.

Dressing your toddler can be so fun with the help of some fun shops! We recently found Finn + Emma and fell in love! We love toddler style that is unique. As much as we love Target, everyone has it! For unique and completely adorable pieces, it’s always best to shop small.

Finn + Emma is stylish and organic. They sell clothing, accessories, and toys perfect for your baby or toddler. Finn + Emma uses all organic cotton in their clothing. By choosing clothing made with organic cotton, you are limiting your child’s exposure to potentially harmful chemicals coming in contact with their skin. And it’s also great for the Earth!

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Free Things to do with Your Kids when it’s Hot!

Everyone keeps posting about how “summer is over” and “fall is around the corner!”



It is still 90 degrees outside, and therefore, still summer. In fact, August is probably the hottest month of all! Fall doesn’t actually begin until the end of September. That’s over 6 weeks away. We have time people! Just because school is starting does not mean summer is over. I’m a summer-lover and all the fall posts are making me so sad.

I don’t know about you, but I’m still sweating like crazy over here, so I’ll keep saying it’s summer. I love pumpkin spice lattes as much as the next girl, but I like pool days more! So, since it’s actually hotter than ever outside, here are some tips to cool down with your kiddos, for free!

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