This post is sponsored by REI but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.
Being active always clears my head and puts me in a better mind space. Sitting at home for too long not only makes me go stir crazy, but can really put me in a funk and trigger my anxiety and sometimes even depression. When I was in the height of dealing with postpartum depression after the birth of my second son last year, I started to recognize this as a trigger. The days I was stuck at home all day and didn’t get out to run errands, see a friend, or even just take the kids to the park, were the days I felt the worst. Not having anything to do made me feel lazy, and being in a small space with two children for too long wasn’t doing any good for my mental or emotional health.
The days I got out of the house I felt so much better. Even just going to the grocery store could lift my mood. Being busy and going outside, hiking, traveling, etc really improved my mood. It’s like when I was active I was myself again. I was happier and my kids were too.