Maximize Your Child’s Education with Snapology (+ a Giveaway!)

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Nakturnal Agency. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

There’s not much that’s more important than your child’s education. We all want to make sure our children learn and thrive and are given the best opportunities possible. Unfortunately, with today’s economy, budget cuts in school districts are limiting children’s education more and more.

I watch Sawyer learn everyday and I am amazed. At only 2 years old he absorbs information like a sponge. He learns new words and phrases all the time. He remembers faces, names, places, and more. He knows animal noises, colors, shapes, and more words than I can count. He is able to mimick our language and knows a new word daily. Watching him learn is absolutely thrilling and I hope he continues to thrive for the rest of his childhood.

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Backyard Sippable Moments with Virgin Mango Passion Tea Sangira

Disclaimer: This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias Inc. and it’s adviser. All opinions are mine alone. #CraftYourCool #CollectiveBias

Ah, Summer.

My absolute favorite time of year. I made it a goal to make sure that we had fun and relaxed this summer. We spent all Winter completely cooped up, not only due to the weather, but due to one of our cars being out of commission, we literally hardly ever left the house! That took a serious toll on me both mentally and emotionally. It’s no good for your mental health to be inside all day! Now that we have another car for a little while and the weather is great, I really want to make sure we are active and outdoors!

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Father’s Day Gift Guide

Father’s Day is just around the corner, and if you’re like me, you might have waited until the last second to shop for your baby daddy.

But worry not! I’ve compiled a Gift Guide perfect for the man in your life to make shopping a little bit easier. When shopping for Kurtis there are so many options, there’s so many shopping categories to consider.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

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the ultimate guide to crown hair extensions featured by popular Denver life and style blogger, All Things Lovely

Hair Extensions for Beginners with Hidden Crown Hair

Disclaimer: This crown hair extension post is in collaboration with Hidden Crown Hair. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

I’ve always wanted long mermaid hair, but my hair had other plans. Growing up, my hair was a huge hassle. I naturally had very coarse and curly hair as a kid. I started straightening it every day when I was only 11 years old. All that straightening really took a toll on it and by the time I was 15, my hair was severely broken and damaged and wouldn’t grow at all.

We tried everything. Deep conditioning treatments, relaxers, trimming it every few weeks, never trimming it, washing it more, washing it less, coloring it less, expensive oils, seeing different stylists and specialists. Nothing made my hair better.

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Friday Favorites- Mira Brands and Growing Roots Box

Disclaimer: I received these items in exchange for review. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

Happy Friday!

I’m so glad June is here and Summer is starting! I’ve made a lot of goals for myself regarding my business, the rest of my pregnancy, moving, and staying active. I’m really excited for this Summer and everything we have going on.

I’m excited to share some brands I’m loving with you this week!

Mira Brands

Mira brands was so interesting to me. It kind of seems like a smorgasbord of products at first, but they offer all sorts of products for your home. They offer water bottles, kitchen and home essentials, coffee products, and even beauty products. It’s like your one stop shop for stocking your home!

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The May Pregnancy Box (Ecocentric Mom)

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Ecocentric Mom. All opinions are my own. Please visit my discalimer page for more information.

The May Pregnancy Box from Ecocentric Mom was so fun!

I love getting fun things to pamper myself with during pregnancy. It’s important to have things for me, to make me feel better, physically during this hard time. Taking some me time is often just what I need after a day of swollen feet, an achy back, and terrible heartburn.

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Disneyland with a Toddler- Survival Tips

We survived Disneyland with a toddler! And actually had a blast!

There are so many tips and tricks to make your trip to Disney magical instead of stressful. And believe it or not, there’s actually a lot for your little one to do (as well as pregnant women). Even though you can’t do the “big” rides, it can still be a really special day!

Disneyland is one of my favorite places on Earth. I have so many wonderful memories of the parks growing up and my husband and I actually got engaged there.

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A Comfortable Maternity Look with PinkBlush

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with PinkBlush. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

I’m so uncomfortable.

I wish I could even describe it. With Sawyer, I had an anterior placenta. Meaning the placenta was in front of the baby (behind my belly button) rather than behind him. So while I still felt all of his movements, they were toned down and not very intense.

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Becoming a Big Brother featured by popular Denver lifestyle blogger, All Things Lovely

Becoming a Big Brother – When Your World Changes

Disclaimer: This becoming a big brother post is sponsored by Carter’s; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

It doesn’t matter if it’s your 1st or 5th baby. Becoming a big brother and a new baby changes absolutely everything. Your routine and schedule, your relationship with your spouse, your relationship with your pet, your relationship with your other children (if any), your relationship with your friends and family, your sleep patterns, your eating habits, everything.

Introducing a new member to your family is such a wonderful thing, but it can also definitely turn things upside down. I’m about to have my second baby and I already know it’s going to shake things up for everyone. Especially Sawyer. Not only is he currently an only child, but he’s also the only grandchild on both sides. That means he has the constant attention of not only my husband and me, but our parents and siblings. Adding a new baby to the mix is going to rock his world. He’s too young to understand my pregnancy, and I’m trying to find other ways to get us both ready for the change.

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Educational Benefits for Toddlers at Sea World San Diego

Disclaimer: We received media tickets to Sea World San Diego in exchange for review. All opinions are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

We had the opportunity to visit Sea World while we were on vacation last week and had a blast! It was overcast but not too cold and the park wasn’t crowded. A perfect theme park day!

Sawyer LOVES animals and has loved the zoo the few times we’ve taken him so we knew he would love Sea World. Sawyer is picking up new words and phrases like crazy lately. Since he’s learning so fast, we are trying our best to make sure he learns everything he needs to at this age. Colors, numbers, body parts, and animals! Our day at Sea World was perfect to teach him a few new animals and some facts about marine life.

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