Family Vacation 2017 Recap

I’m still definitely in post-vacation funk. I haven’t fully unpacked, the house is a total mess, and I still feel exhausted from our red eye flight home. But our vacation was so amazing. 8 days of family time was just what we needed.

We go visit my grandparents in San Diego once or twice a year. It seems repetitive but it’s our favorite way to spend a vacation. We have a Southwest card and usually have enough points to cover at least one way, plus flights to SD are usually inexpensive so the other way doesn’t break the bank.

My grandparents have a beautiful house in Santa Luz with plenty of room for all of us, and a super fun pool out back. So, tickets usually don’t cost us much, and we have a free place to stay so we can usually do a full family vacation without spending too much money!

I’m very close with my family so seeing my Grammy and Boppa a few times a year is good for my soul. It’s hard living so far away from them.

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Turn Any Bag Into a Gym Bag

Happy Tuesday!

We’re back from vacation! We had an amazing time, I’ll have a full recap up later this week (plus a separate Disneyland post). I’m exhausted but ready to get back to work.

I’m currently 28 weeks pregnant. I’ve been trying to stay as active as possible by working out regularly. There are so many benefits to working out during pregnancy. It reduces the risk of gestational diabetes, eases aches and pains (which I have a lot of this time around), can make labor and delivery easier, and help you lose the baby weight quicker!

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What if There’s Not Enough Love?

I’ve been feeling a lot lately in regards to becoming a mother of 2. And I know my hormones probably aren’t helping the situation but lately I’ve felt so anxious and scared.

The love I feel for my firstborn is absolutely overwhelming. The bond I share with him is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. He’s my whole world and I never knew I could love so much until I met him.

What’s going to happen to that when his brother arrives?

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Friday Favorites- Uma Oils and JarJackets

Disclaimer: I received these items in exchange for review. All opinions are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

Happy Friday! This week has been a crazy one. My best friend is getting married tomorrow! It’s going to be a great weekend, I’m really excited.

I’ve got the rehearsal dinner tonight but before I leave I wanted to share a few fun products with you! I love supporting small businesses and sharing products I’ve found useful. I tend to be on the “crunchy” side and these oils and sippy cups are both great for you and the environment!

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Working at Home Mom Magic- The 3 Things I Can’t Live Without!

As someone who runs a business out of their home, there are certain things I cannot compromise on.

Working at home takes a lot of preparation, equipment, and patience. You have to prevent as many problems as possible, but also be prepared for things to go wrong. If I’m working on a deadline, I’d hate for the wifi to stop working or the power to go out. I don’t have time for that!

There are 3 things that I could not live without while working at home!

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The Best Maternity Swimsuits featured by popular life and style blogger, All Things Lovely

The Best Maternity Swimsuits!

Summer is just around the corner. I can’t believe how fast it’s approaching. One thing I dread about pregnancy is having to wear a swimsuit with a big belly. A regular bikini still fits but I can sometimes feel uncomfortable with my bump hanging out for all to see. It depends on the day!

I love finding the best maternity swimsuits that are stylish to help me feel confident at the pool or the beach (even though I may be mistaken for a whale).

So, I’ve rounded up some of my favorite maternity swimsuits this season for you to shop! I love a classy one piece, or even a tankini in a fun pattern! There are some cute bikinis too, I could never leave them out.

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24 Week Bumpdate

I can’t believe I’m 24 weeks! I would say this pregnancy is flying by but it’s not. I have actually been pregnant forever and still have a long ways to go.

How far along? 24 weeks

How big is baby? Baby is the size of a grapefruit!

Symptoms? Heartburn, fatigue, pelvic pressure/pain, headaches, braxton hicks, “pregnancy cold”

Cravings? ICE.

Gender? It’s a boy!

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Mommy Errands with Enterprise CarShare

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Enterprise CarShare. All opinions are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

Like most families, we own two cars. But, unlike most families, we really only use one of them. One car is brand new (just drove it off the lot last August), runs great and we LOVE it. The other car I bought when I was in college, long before we were married, and that’s pretty much on its last leg. It runs, and since I mainly work at home blogging, we don’t need to drive it much.

This works out for the most part since I’m pretty busy at home but I definitely go a little stir crazy sometimes. Sawyer and I don’t get to go on a lot of “adventures” because there’s not a ton close by and I don’t feel comfortable driving the scary car down into the city.

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JJ Cole Backpack Diaper Bag review featured by popular Denver lifestyle blogger, All Things Lovely

JJ Cole Backpack Diaper Bag: Packing the Diaper Bag for 2

There are lots of things I have to prepare for when it comes to going from 1 kiddo to 2. One thing I’ve been thinking about a lot is being out and about with them.

The other day Kurtis, Sawyer, and I were our running a particular errand and things got a little stressful. One thing after another went wrong and it was just a long day. When we got home I said to him “can you imagine dealing with that but with two kids with us?”

It kind of put things into perspective that things are about to get a lot more difficult around here.

But it’s nothing we can’t handle with a little preparation!

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