Give the gift of Reading with Usborne Books!

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Jennifer Schmidt, an Usborne Books Consultant. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

I hear the word Christmas and one thing comes to mind: toys.

My kids are going to get so. many. toys. And you know what? They already have so many toys! I try to go through their toys the week before Christmas and throw away anything that’s broken, and donate anything they don’t play with anymore to make room for all the looming gifts they are about to receive.

None of us want our kids to end up spoiled, but it just happens around the holidays, doesn’t it? I love seeing my toddler’s face light up when he receives something he really wanted and will love. And so do his grandparents, his aunts, his uncles, etc. and so he winds up with a lot of gifts!

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Stuff Those Stockings- With Tile!


Can you believe Christmas is almost here?! Have you finished your shopping yet?
If you have, I’m pretty envious. Although I got a pretty good head start this year, I’m almost always behind on my holiday shopping. I’m happy to say that this year- there’s only a few people left on my list! But the reason they’re left is…I have NO idea what to get them!
That’s where Tile comes in. Tile is a gift suitable for everyone. Why? Because we all lose things! And sometimes, those things are irreplaceable.

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Drybar Park Meadows review featured by popular life and style Denver blogger, All Things Lovely

Currently Loving: Drybar Park Meadows

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Drybar. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

Last week, I had the pleasure of hosting a local blogger event for the grand opening of Drybar Park Meadows (Lone Tree).

We’ve been to Drybar before and loved it. We were so honored to help support the opening of their newest location at Park Meadows!

Blow dry only salons are relatively new to the haircare scene. And they’re completely blowing it up! Blow dry only salons don’t offer cuts, colors, perms, or other such services. They offer blowouts and that’s it. And it’s amazing.

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An Oliver Update



It’s been a whirlwind, friends. Since Oliver’s premature birth back in June, we’ve wrestled with a number of things. His 16 day NICU stay, where he had to learn to maintain his temperature, get his jaundice levels down, and eat by mouth without the feeding tube, were extremely challenging to say the very least. After we brought him home we dealt with 3.5 months of hauling an oxygen tank everywhere we went, keeping track of refills, and routinely changing his cannula. Then came my pumping and supply issues. Then breastfeeding issues. Them formula supplementation. Then trying to wean him off oxygen at night. Then the weight gain issues.

Oliver is 5 months old as of yesterday, and despite all of the above, we are so incredibly happy with his progress.

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Disney On Ice- Denver Giveaway!

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Disney On Ice and Feld Entertainment. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

Disney on Ice- Follow Your Heart is coming to Denver!

We are so excited and so fortunate to be able to go. We love all things Disney in our house, I’m so excited Sawyer is finally old enough to appreciate Disney on Ice this year!

I remember going to Disney on Ice as a child and having the best time! We didn’t have much money when I was younger, but my parents always made special outings like that possible for us. My siblings and I all loved Disney movies growing up, and it was so exciting and special to see them brought to life on ice. I get all warm and tingling just thinking about it.

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Prolacta review featured by popular Denver mommy blogger, All Things Lovely

Advocate for your Preemie with Prolacta

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Prolacta. All opinions are my own. I am not a medical professional. Always consult your child’s physician before making decisions about their care. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

In my short life, I haven’t experienced anything as stressful as the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Oliver’s time in the NICU was by far the greatest trial of my life thus far. It hurt having my baby away from me. It hurt watching him struggle. It hurt watching him regress. It hurt hearing the nurses say “it might be a while longer.” All of it hurt and I wouldn’t wish the experience on anyone.

Oliver was a little thing. Although he did extremely well and all his problems were to be expected of an infant born as early as he was, he was still tiny. I pumped my heart out at home and produced a TON of milk (you should see my freezer) for when I wasn’t with him, and breastfed him whenever I was. I was proud of myself for working hard and pumping for him so he could be on my breastmilk. Although fed is best no matter how you choose to feed your baby, I know breastmilk has everything he needed, and was the best thing for him. As a preemie, I wanted to make sure he had it. Since I wasn’t having problems with production, I knew I wanted to do it for him, no matter how unfortunate pumping may seem.

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Rodan & Fields Lash Boost review featured by popular Denver life and style blogger, All Things Lovely

Rodan & Fields Lash Boost…Does it Really Work?

Disclaimer: This Rodan & Fields lash boost post is in collaboration with Pamela Morrissey an independent Rodan & Fields consultant. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

We’re always hearing a lot of hype about the “next big thing”. Every company has their shining star product, the one thing that keeps customers coming back for more.

While Rodan & Fields is rumored to have a lot of great skincare products, their shining star is Lash Boost. Rodan & Fields Lash Boost is a special serum, formulated to help your eyelashes look longer, thicker, and darker. It has a number on ingredients including panthenol, which moisturizes your lashes, and biotin and and keratin, which keeps them strong (making them less likely to break or fall out).

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My Evening Skin Care Routine with Pamela Metamorphosis

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Pamela Metamorphosis. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information. 

Skin care is something I didn’t care about until recently. I washed my make up off every night, sometimes used a moisturizer, and once in a blue moon, a face mask. I didn’t know anything about skin care or why it was important.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to take better care of my skin. Skin care is pretty trendy right now, which is good because more people are being educated and investing in their skin. But we need to keep the momentum going and take care of our skin for the long haul. It is your largest organ, after all!

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You Still Deserve a Birthday! (Featuring Nothing Bundt Cakes)

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Nothing Bundt Cakes. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information. 

Ah, birthdays. Both mine and my husband’s birthdays are in November. Paired with Thanksgiving, it makes for a busy month. I’ve hear time and time again “eventually your birthday is no longer worth celebrating” “the older you get, the less you want to celebrate” “your birthday doesn’t matter once you’re an adult” .

And I’m here to say, I highly disagree.

You birthday should be even more celebrated as an adult! Especially if you have children of your own.

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