Oliver’s Nursery Reveal with Mouse + Magpie

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Mouse + Magpie. All opinions are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

I was so sad when we had to take down Sawyer’s nursery when we moved. It was the one room in the house I actually worked really hard on the theme and decor, the rest of the house just kind of came together as I added bits and pieces over the years. But Sawyer’s nursery I really saw through from start to finish (see it here).

It made me sad to take down all our hard work. But he had a new big kid race car bed for our new place, and I had Oliver’s nursery to put together now!

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Oliver’s Newborn Photoshoot

I finally got around to getting newborn pictures done for Oliver last week. It only took me 7 weeks!

But really, I didn’t want to do them in the NICU and we moved right after he got home and then my brother got married etc. etc. It’s been a hectic 2 months and it’s the first time we’ve had a chance to breathe!

As always, we went with Front Porch Photography for our newborn session and couldn’t be happier. Leah is a childhood friend of mine and we just adore her work. We are never disappointed and she has created some beautiful family memories for us. (Mention All Things Lovely for $25 off your session with Front Porch Photography)

I’m not feeling totally camera confident yet, what with some baby weight still hanging around and all, but I jumped in front of the camera for a few shots, and we even got some family pictures too.

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Recover in Comfort with Pink Blush

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Pink Blush. All opinions are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

When packing your hospital bag for birth, there is something important to keep in mind…recovery! Half of your hospital stay will most likely be after baby is born. You’ll want something comfortable and breastfeeding friendly. You’ll be exhausted and in pain, you need something comfy!

As usual, Pink Blush has you covered.

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Top 4 Dockatot Uses: lounging - featured by popular Denver mommy blogger, All Things Lovely

Dockatot Uses: My Top 4 Favorite Uses for the Dockatot Deluxe

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Dockatot. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

I’ve sung Dockatot‘s praises before. It is one of my absolute favorite parenting items. Sawyer has a Dockatot Grand now and I seriously wish we had had a Deluxe when he was a baby! We just got one for Oliver and love it.

When it came in the mail, my Grandmas was visiting, and, like most people, she asked “what is it for?”

The bigger size that Sawyer has (the Grand), we specifically used for toddler bed transition (read about that here), and it worked like a charm. But how can you use the Deluxe?

There are so many ways to use a Dockatot Deluxe. You won’t know how you lived without it!

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Ecocentric Mom July & August

My last 2 pregnancy boxes! They came with some pretty school stuff, I’m bummed I wasn’t able to use some of them since I was no longer pregnant. I’m planning on gifting some of it to a newly preggo friend who I’m sure will love it!

These boxes, (as always) came with some all natural goodies to pamper yourself during pregnancy. I love spoiling myself with these boxes every month. Now that little Oliver is here I can switch over to the Mom & Baby box!

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Fall Date Ideas with Coleman

Can you believe Fall is just around the corner? Summer went by so fast! Granted, it was a whirlwind Summer for us with Oliver’s bith, NICU stay, our move, and my brother’s wedding. Now we’re settling into our new place, I’m getting back into working, and before we know it, Summer will really be over.

Luckily, I’ve always had a special place in my heart for Fall. Football, chunky sweaters, scarves, pumpkin spice lattes, corn mazes! While it’s bittersweet to say goodbye to Summer, there are so many things to love about the Fall.

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Oliver's Birth Story by popular Denver mom blogger, All Things Lovely

Oliver’s Birth Story

I should’ve written this birth story post ages ago. But with his NICU stay followed immediately by us moving, I haven’t had a second to gather my thoughts and emotions on Oliver’s birth. Now, I have.

Today is his due date. It boggles my mind to think I should have still been pregnant all this time. It’s crazy to think about and hard to wrap my mind around. I think because he was always meant to come when he did. The Lord knew we needed him here.


On June 24th, we threw Sawyer a birthday party. This was probably a mistake because I was supposed to be on modified bed rest and staying off my feet but the invites had already gone out, decor bought, cupcakes baked, etc. so I refused to cancel, I wanted to give my son a birthday party. The party was probably too much for me and being on my feet all day hanging decorations could possibly be one of the reasons I went into labor early.

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Preparing Your Car for Kids

Disclaimer: Sponsored post

When you have children, the car can be a big to-do. Not only is there safety to think about, but also adequate space, amenities, and preparation for any situation life could throw at you! Driving with kids is hard. When I drove Oliver home from the NICU, I was so nervous and driving so slow that people were honking and passing me all over the highway. But I didn’t care! There was precious cargo in the backseat and I needed to keep him safe.

Eventually, I became more comfortable in the car. And it was with the help of some safety precautions and preparedness!

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Solving the Shopping Cart Dilemma with Binxy Baby

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Binxy Baby. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

Sometimes, I feel like the world is out to get parents.

It’s almost as if society knows what we could be doing better to make simple aspects of parenting easier, and we decide to do the opposite. Take shopping carts, for example.

There are quite a few problems with shopping carts for parents. The first being, even if you only have one infant child, there is nowhere to put the dang car seat. It is considered dangerous and against safety regulations to place your car seat on top of the child seat (even though this is how most people do it). There’s even a warning on the child’s seat stating it is not for car seats because they can not be secured. So where should you put the car seat? Well, the next logical answer would be inside the cart but then…WHERE DO YOU PUT YOUR GROCERIES? This defeats the purpose of even going to the store entirely.

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Toddler Bed Transition with Dockatot

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Dockatot. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

We decided it was time to transition Sawyer to a toddler bed around the same time we brought Oliver home. Because we’re crazy, of course.

But, it was so easy. The very first night he did not get out of bed once. Not once. And he slept all the way through the night! We thought it might be a crazy fluke but since then, he still never gets out of bed at night! It’s amazing, I thought it was going to be such a battle, but it wasn’t at all. Our secret?

The DockATot Grand.

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