Friday Favorites- Babiators

Happy Friday!

This week has been insane. We’ve gotten SO much done! The house is the cleanest it’s ever been and we’ve been organizing and purging like crazy. Since I started working from home more, I needed to get in a serious routine. How was I going to juggle cooking meals, cleaning the house, errands, laundry, working, blogging, working out, and walking the dog? Simple. A strict schedule. It’s only been 2 weeks and it’s going great so far, but lets see if I can actually stick to it! (For the sake of my sanity, I hope I can)

I have a fun favorite to share with you today!

You might have seen me raving about these on my Instagram story when I got them. I’ve been following Babiators since I was pregnant and couldn’t wait until Sawyer was old enough for them, because they were so cute! Babiators are sunglasses for little ones that come in all different colors and styles.


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Snack Hard, Nap Hard

We love to eat in our house. And sleep. Eating and sleeping are near and dear to our hearts. And we passed that on to Sawyer. He’s been a great sleeper since he was 6 weeks old. A few times a month he still has his off nights where he’s up all night, but 85% of the time he sleeps a solid 12 hours at night with a 2+ hour nap during the day!

There are some tricks I’ve picked up for getting him to take god naps and sleep through the night. When he was younger, he was a horrible napper. And I mean horrible. He would only nap if I was holding him and as soon as I set him down, I was lucky if he would stay asleep for 20 minutes. Luckily, when he was around 9 months old, I finally got the hang of things, and now, he consistently naps for 2+ (sometimes even a full 3) hours! Here are my not-so-secrets:

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Grove Collaborative September Box + Free Gift!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.

I haven’t updated Chemical Free in 2016 in a long time and wanted to check in with some awesome product swaps I’ve made!

I recently discovered Grove Collaborative and I’m obsessed! They ship you chemical free and all-natural home and beauty products every month! And the prices are great! One thing that holds me back from buying the all natural alternative (I usually make my own), is that they can be much more expensive. But with Grove, I was really, really surprised! My order only came to about $25 (with shipping!) and I got 7 products! Here’s what I got this month:


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Rock the Mom Car with Chicco NextFit Zip

Mom’s. We’re on the go. Constantly.


When I first had Sawyer I thought my little hatchback would be fine for 1, 2, or even 3 kids! After all, there were 3 seats in the back, so it was fine, right?

It was not fine.

Do you know what it’s like to have to hunch over to install a car seat? Do you even know?! To always make sure that the passenger seat is far enough forward that it’s not interfering with the car seat? To not have enough room for groceries? To not have enough room for the stroller?

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Style Transition with Daydream Believer Boutique

Hey all! It’s officially the first day of fall! So today, I’m sharing with you 2 fun finds from Daydream Believer Boutique and how they can be styled for fall or summer. Let’s start with a pretty summer dress!


This dress is so simple and cute. It could easily be dressed up or down, accessorized with fun jewelry, or left by itself paired with sandals. It would look cute no matter how you styled it!

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Navigating the Airport with a Baby

We’ve been through a lot of airports with Sawyer. At that point, he’s a pretty well traveled baby (if you count going back and forth to the west coast 3 times a year well traveled). We’ve been through Denver, Phoenix, Las Vegas, San Deigo, Orange County, and Sacramento. That’s a lot of airports! And a lot of hours spent in airports.

But navigating the airport with your little one doesn’t have to be a horrible experience. In fact, it can be kind of enjoyable (just don’t attempt to sprint to catch a flight while pushing a stroller, it ain’t gonna happen). I love everything about traveling. I love packing, I love carry-on bags, I love passports, I love printing boarding passes, I love airports, I love airport coffee, I love plane snacks, I love hotels, I love it all!

But I hate stress. And sometimes, I just flat out refuse to have it. Traveling is such a happy thing! Hopefully you’re going somewhere fun and get a few days off from work and real life. Getting there shouldn’t be a drag. Here are my tips for making your trek through the airport with your little one a breeze.

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Dressing your Toddler for Fall with Jennifer Ann Style

Alright y’all, I am officially embracing fall. Now that our vacation is over, the recap has been posted, the pictures printed, the suitcases unpacked, I can finally accept that fall is here. We’ve even had a few chilly days and I’ve been putting out my fall decor! Last weekend, we hit up our local mall to find some fall pieces for Sawyer. Last year, he was 3 months old, and obviously, we can’t reuse anything so we’re in the market for a toddler fall wardrobe!

That’s why I was excited when I found Jennifer Ann Style. As much as I love shopping at the local mall, it’s draining, and everything looks the same. Jennifer Ann can personalize your little one’s clothes for you and it’s adorable!


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When My Breastfeeding Journey Ended


My breastfeeding journey was far from easy. It didn’t go at all how I expected it to go and I stressed myself to the max trying to make it work for as long as I did. When Sawyer was born we had some trouble getting our breastfeeding journey started. It took him 3 days to learn how to latch, and even then we used a shield. I was happy to use it though, because I wanted to breastfeed. It was annoying but I was determined to do whatever it took.

And I did. It was a long road, and it was anything but easy. But he was exclusively breast fed for a while! I went back to work when he was 2 months old and had to start pumping. We breastfed when I was home and he got a bottle of expressed milk when I was away. He was still strictly on breast milk. It wasn’t long after I started back at work that I noticed a decline in my supply. When I nursed him I could hear him gulping away but when I pumped I could only get a few ounces. I just didn’t respond to the pump well, and not for lack of trying. I tried different settings, different valves, and even a different pump. I tried Mother’s Milk tea and lactation cookies and pumping more frequently. At his 4 month check up his doctor told me he wasn’t on track for weight gain, and was only in the 5th percentile for weight. So, we starting going in every 2 weeks for weight checks. All the stress made my supply dip even more!

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California Trip Recap (Logan + Lenora and Sun Angels)

Happy Monday!

For those of you that follow along on Instagram, you know we had an amazing end of summer vacation! We went to my Grandparents house in San Diego. We relaxed by the pool visited our families, went to the beach, and ate way too much, it was perfect!

Since we both have family in southern California, we did spend a lot of time driving around to various cities (Laguna Beach, Pacific Beach, Corona), to ensure we saw everyone. But we had a lot of downtime at the house, which made for plenty of time to relax in the pool!

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To The Baby I’ll Never Hold

48 hours.

That’s how long we knew you.

48 hours.

One day, my world was changed forever, and a mere two days later, it was taken from me.

We never met, but I miss you.

I imagined what my pregnancy would be like. If it would be easier or harder than my first, we contemplated names, we guessed gender (boy), and we celebrated the tiny life inside of me.
Your Dad was so happy.

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