Family Fall Traditions

Halloween wasn’t big in my house growing up, and because of that, Halloween was never big with me as an adult. I’m not really into dressing up, I hate anything scary, and I try to not eat too much candy. Kurtis and I have been together 6 years, and we’ve never once done coordinating costumes, if that tells you anything.

But, now that we’re parents, Halloween really excites me. I want him to grow up having fun memories of this holiday, and us doing fun things together as a family. And it doesn’t all have to be scary, especially when they’re younger.

Fun Fact (or maybe a TMI fact?) Sawyer was conceived on Halloween, so we should probably make an effort to celebrate with him, given that he is a Halloween baby.

Announcement: We are doing a family costume this year. The first time in the 6 years we’ve been a couple that Kurtis and I will have coordinating costumes. My level of excitement is too high to be socially acceptable. (P.S. our costumes are inspired by Once Upon a Time, any guesses?)

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Friday Favorites (Suja, WrennPolish, LipSense)

I received these items in exchange for review. All opinions stated are my own. View my disclaimer page for more information.

It’s almost Halloween weekend!  We’re so excited because Sawyer is old enough to really enjoy it this year (I mean, if the clowns don’t ruin it). And since he walking, we’re going to take him trick or treating up and down the block. I can’t wait, he’s going to be so adorable.

I have so many fun things to share today. We had such a fun week and tried so many goodies! Let’s get started.

Suja Juice


I can’t even explain the level of excitement I felt when I opened my front door and found a GIANT box of Suja Juices sitting there.



Kurtis and I love juice. When we were first married, one of our favorite wedding gifts was our juicer. We made fresh squeezed juices almost weekly. We were obsessed!

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Natural Remedies for Teething and the Common Cold

Okay, teething is the worst.

I honestly didn’t even really know until now. Before, it had been kind of a chill experience. He would only get 1 tooth at a time and they came in slowly. Sure he was uncomfortable but we would give him the necessary oils, and, on the bad nights, tylenol. And he would be fine. Then, the tooth would pop through and we would resume our normal lives.

But last week, oh man, last week was killer.

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An Aviation Nursery

So Sawyer is over 1 year old now. I spend a ton of time designing his nursery, it came out so adorable, I’m a blogger, and yet I’ve never shared his nursery! That’s weird, right? It never dawned on me until now that I should share it. I worked hard on it and it came out great!

(after finishing this post, I remembered why I never shared before. The lighting in his room is not that great and the pictures never came out very good. Oh, well!)

When I was pregnant with Sawyer, I couldn’t wait to get started on the nursery. It’s the only room in our house I truly decorated from start to finish (I’m making up for that now by redoing the living room and master bedroom), and I had so much fun with it!

The first thing we needed was a theme. I originally wanted to do a nautical theme, but every single friend I had who was pregnant with a boy (and I was coincidentally pregnant at the same time as a lot of my friends and acquaintances), was doing a nautical theme! And I wanted to be original, but still do something fun.

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3 Toddler-Approved Pasta Dishes

Disclaimer: Thank you to Chicco for sponsoring today’s post. I received this product in exchange for review. All opinions stated are my own. This post may contain affiliate links. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

Happy National Pasta Day!

We all know how hard it can be to get toddlers to eat. Luckily, Sawyer likes most food but there are still days where mealtime is a struggle.


But you know what he loves? Pasta. Pasta in any way, shape, or form. Mac and Cheese night is by far the best night of his week and he’s also been known to go crazy on some spaghetti. Pasta is flavorful, and easy for him to pick up. It’s the messiest finger food of all time.

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The Work at Home Mom Schedule featured by popular Denver life and style blogger, All Things Lovely

The Work at Home Mom Schedule (+ free printables!)

Motherhood is not easy.

Homemaking is not easy.

Making time to take care of yourself is not easy.

Working is not easy.

Blogging is not easy.

Now, imagine trying to do all 5? Seems impossible.

But it’s not! And the secret is a really, really, great and tight schedule.

Not everyone is a schedule person. I totally get that. But with everything going on in my life right now, I would be totally lost without it. I also know that keeping the house spick n’ span, and making a home cooked meal every night is not everyone’s cup of tea. That’s totally cool! But it is mine and so I thought I’d share how I accomplish it with this work at home mom schedule.

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Spaghetti Squash 2 Ways

I try my hardest to live a healthy lifestyle and eat as clean as possible. But I’m not hard on myself. I give myself grace. I let myself eat the donut every once in a while, and when I’m out on a date with my husband, or out to eat with friends, I order whatever I want.

Because I don’t want to limit myself in life. I don’t always want to feel deprived. I love the way I feel when I’m nourishing my body and working out regularly. My body rewards me for it. I’m not a size 0 anymore but I’m comfortable in my skin and I’m healthy! I don’t want to be the one eating a salad and a fruit cup every time I go out with my friends. Those are special occasions, and I should be able to treat myself. If I went out with my friends 3 times a week, ordering whatever I wanted wouldn’t be so smart. But if it’s every once in a while, I want to enjoy myself. And I should!

It’s all about finding your balance. Whatever that means to you.

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Grace Mabel Baby review featured by popular Denver lifestyle blogger, All Things Lovely

Chemical Free: Aihu Essentials for Healing and Grace Mabel Baby

Disclaimer: Thank you to Grace Mabel Baby and Aihu Essentials for Healing for sponsoring today’s post. I received these items in exchange for review. As always, all opinions are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

Happy Friday everybody!

I’m really excited about today’s collab because they’re products I really really love, and they’re chemical free!

You guys know I’m all about the essential oils and natural living. These two companies are owned by the same person, and their values line up with mine so well. They create only natural, chemical-free products to help you in all areas of life. I’m so excited about the things they sent me so let’s dive right in!

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the FabFitFun Fall Box!

Thank you to FabFitFun for sponsoring today’s post. This post contains affiliate links.

There are few things I love more than happy mail.

Very few things.

FabFitFun is probably the happiest mail of all. It’s a box full of girly goodies that only comes 4 times a year! I think that because it doesn’t come very often, that makes it even better! Some subscriptions boxes come so often that I haven’t finished using the items from my previous box when the next box arrives and then I’ve wasted my money on an overload of things I can’t get through quick enough.

That’s not the case with FabFitFun. And I’m such a girly girl that I practically squeal at everything I pull out of the FFF box. Getting it is probably the highlight of my season, every season. It’s so fun! And the fall box had some seriously fun things in it! Let’s dive in.

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A Little Life Update

Sometimes, with everything going on, I forget why I started this blog.

I just wanted to write. Exciting things were going on in my life and I just wanted to record them. Write them down to share with friends and family and to be able to look back on when I was older. I blogged whenever I felt like it, just whenever I had something to say or something to write down. I blogged throughout my move home from college, then my engagement, then my wedding, life as newlyweds, and my pregnancy.

Then, my pregnancy announcement EXPLODED (all the thanks goes to Leah from Our Front Porch Media), and everything changed. My Instagram started gaining a following, I was getting tons of monthly views after putting the pregnancy announcement picture on Pinterest, and I had to opportunity to make this blogging thing into a career and I did! I’ve never looked back and I love what I do. It has blessed my family so much for me to be able to contribute financially in this way. It has helped us pay off Sawyer’s hospital bill quicker than we thought and (finally!), buy a new car. I’m so thankful for this blog and all the opportunities it brought me.

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