Halloween wasn’t big in my house growing up, and because of that, Halloween was never big with me as an adult. I’m not really into dressing up, I hate anything scary, and I try to not eat too much candy. Kurtis and I have been together 6 years, and we’ve never once done coordinating costumes, if that tells you anything.
But, now that we’re parents, Halloween really excites me. I want him to grow up having fun memories of this holiday, and us doing fun things together as a family. And it doesn’t all have to be scary, especially when they’re younger.
Fun Fact (or maybe a TMI fact?) Sawyer was conceived on Halloween, so we should probably make an effort to celebrate with him, given that he is a Halloween baby.
Announcement: We are doing a family costume this year. The first time in the 6 years we’ve been a couple that Kurtis and I will have coordinating costumes. My level of excitement is too high to be socially acceptable. (P.S. our costumes are inspired by Once Upon a Time, any guesses?)