Friday Favorites- Just Get Pampered and Nyme Organics

I received these items in exchange for review. All opinions are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

Happy Black Friday!

I hope everyone’s Thanksgiving was great! I know ours sure was! I have some fun things to share with you today, so lets get right to it!

Just Get Pampered

Just Get Pampered is an adorable little etsy shop I stumbled across not too long ago. She sells adorable, handmade goods, that would make perfect gifts or stocking stuffers! She offers a wide variety of products from camera bags and straps, cute soap dispensers, monograms, crossbody bags, gift bag sets, and more!


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Everything You Need to Work Out at Home!

I received select items in exchange for review. All opinions are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

Happy almost Thanksgiving! We’re so looking forward to our first Thanksgiving where Sawyer can eat the food! I can’t wait to see what he likes the most.

Speaking of all that food, let’s talk about working it off! As most of you know I work for Orangetheory Fitness (the Parker, CO location), and that is, of course, my all-time favorite way to work out! However, since I’m a mom, I can usually only take an OTF class before or after my shift, and since I’m only working 1 or 2 days a week, that’s not cutting it!

So, on days when I can’t make it in to the studio for a workout, I try my best to workout at home! I stocked up on a few simple, inexpensive items, to make up my home workout equipment. Here’s what I suggest:

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How Do I Love Thee, bObsweep? Let Me Count the Ways…

Disclaimer: Thank you to bObsweep for sending this item for review. All ideas and opinions expressed here are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

We are overjoyed to announce the arrival of a new member of our family.


Or, more specifically, bObsweep. Bob is my best friend. My right hand man. I don’t know how I would live without him. And I know you probably think I’m being dramatic, but I’m really not! As a busy working at home mom, Bob has become essential to my housekeeping routine.


Keeping my house in order, is a priority of mine. No matter how much work I have to do that day, or how little sleep I got, I still want the house to be in order. I still want the dishes to be done, the floor to be swept, and the toys put away. My mind is a lot more at ease and I’m a lot less stressed when there aren’t chores hanging in the back of my mind.

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How Moms Can Stay Healthy (When Everyone Else is Sick)

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #TeaProudly #CollectiveBias


It’s that time of year.

Cold and Flu season.


As a Mom, there’s no time to get sick. We all got the stomach flu in our house last week, and it was awful. I didn’t want to catch it, but it’s not like I can’t take care of my baby when he’s sick. I have to risk the germs and be there for him. When my husband gets sick, I do the same. Even when the dog gets sick! You have to push your fears aside and take care of your family. Moms don’t have time to get sick!

While you sometimes can’t help but catch a bug, there are things you can do to help boost your immune system. If you’re immune system is strong, you will hopefully get sick less often!

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Jazz Loves Disney and So Do We!

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored on behalf of Verve Records and One2One Network. All opinions are my own. Read more about this on my disclaimer page.

Disney has been such a huge part of my life, for my whole life!

I grew up loving the movies and going to the parks often. Some of my favorite childhood memories are at Disneyland! I was obsessed with The Lion King (I have a Simba tattoo on my ankle) and princesses. Trips to the park as child are my favorite memories. The Disney blood runs deep in our family, and I’ve been passing it on to Sawyer as soon as he was old enough to watch the movies!



As an adult, I continued my love of Disney, going on a trip to Disney World with my sorority sisters, and then getting engaged at Disneyland not long after!

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Chic Fall Looks

Happy Wednesday!

It’s been a while since I’ve done an installment of Operation: Get Dressed, but don’t worry! I’m still doing my best to spend less time in yoga pants, and more time feeling good about myself. I started Operation: Get Dressed because I loved style. I loved getting dressed up and feeling cute and put together. And, for some reason, once I became a Mom, I lost sight of that. It was yoga pants, no make up, and messy hair every day, with a baby on my hip.

And you know what? I still have those days. And that’s okay. But I’ve made it a point, to get ready every day. To value myself. And it makes me so happy when I do!

A few weeks ago, A brand called Lily Road and I decided to collaborate, and I’m so glad we did! Lily Road has such adorable clothes! Everything in their current collection is just perfect for fall.

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Birthday Recap- 24!

Happy Belated Birthday to me! I turned 24 yesterday!

Yes, my birthday was on election day. Which was a pretty big bummer since this election was also a pretty big bummer. We couldn’t help it, we were glued to the news after dinner watching the electoral votes get counted. Oh, well. I’ll have tons more birthdays, hopefully never colliding with an election again.

But the rest of the day was great! I’m trying to do more of these “life updates”. I love blogging as a profession, but I also want to keep a record of some of our fun life moments to look back on!

On my birthday, we woke up and made breakfast burritos with my new cast iron skillet (a gift from my sister and brother in law). Then, I watched some tv while Kurtis got Sawyer ready, then headed out to to vote!

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An Office Space When You Have No Space!

As a working at home Mom, I needed a place that was mine where I could sit down and get work done.  However, in our little townhome, we were kind of maxed out on space!

Before Sawyer was born, our second bedroom was our designated office/guest bedroom. At the time, I was doing  lot of work at home for OTF Parker, because the studio hadn’t opened yet. I had a great big desk and lots of space for files. After the studio opened and I started working in house, our little home office space sort of went to waste. How I wish I could have it back now! After I got pregnant, we obviously turned it into a nursery. So, when I started blogging professionally and working for OTF at home again, that meant a lot of time with my laptop on the couch.

And the busier I got, the more we realized that wasn’t going to fly! I needed a designated space to work. On the couch, it was too easy to turn on the tv and get distracted, or wander into the kitchen and make myself a snack.

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Grove Collaborative November Picks + Freebies!

This post contains affiliate links. Read all about them on my Disclaimer page

You guys know how I love Grove Collaborative for natural products for your home. I love using their services to have all natural, chemical free, safe products delivered to my door every month! I wanted to share with you what I got for November, and what their current deals are!

If you missed my October post, here’s a little bit about Grove Collaborative:

Grove Collaborative is a service that ships you all natural household products every month. You can pick whatever products you want, and opt out of any month you need. They have household cleaners, essential oils, beauty products, baby products and more! Since I’ve been on my journey to rid our house of chemicals, Grove Collaborative has helped immensely. I’m busier than ever now, and while I loved making my own cleaners, I just don’t have the time anymore. Grove Collaborative has helped me continue to make my home a safe place.

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Halloween 2016 Recap

We had such a fun Halloween! Sawyer had such a blast trick or treating!

We met Kurtis at work and then drove to a neighborhood nearby. We only went to a few houses because obviously, Sawyer can’t walk super far before he gets tired.

Sawyer was the Big Bad Wolf, I was Little Red Riding Hood, and Kurtis was the woodsman. I was a bad wife and forgot his beanie and suspenders so his costume was kind of lackluster. My bad.


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