Little Colorado Toddler Furniture

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Little Colorado. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.


Toys everywhere.

Do any other parents feel like their home has been taken over by toys? I’m constantly feeling this way. They’re everywhere and yet, he only plays with like…5 of them consistently (and they’re all Lightning McQueens).

I’ve wanted to get a big toy box for ages but couldn’t find one that was classic enough. They were all giant and plastic. I wanted something that would last through multiple kids and not show wear and tear.

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Giving Parents Peace of Mind with Owlet

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Owlet. All opinions are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

When I was a first time mom, I was a wreck. The day we brought Sawyer home from the hospital, a friend of mine on Facebook shared an article about SIDS.

I read it, and then I didn’t sleep for weeks.

The fact that babies can just die in their sleep overwhelmed me, as I’m sure it does most parents. Thinking about waking up to him being gone for no reason was just way too much to bear. Sawyer was actually sleeping rather well for a newborn, but I wasn’t sleeping at all.

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The Postpartum Body Shamer


There’s a new voice in my head, ever since I had children.

She criticizes my every move. She tells me I’m not as pretty as I once was. That I’ve let myself go. She tells me that my stomach will never be flat and I’ll never wear a swimsuit again. She tells me that my hair will never grow back from multiple postpartum hair losses and I’ll need extensions forever.

She tells me that I’ll never lose the baby weight. That everyone is looking at me. That everyone is pitying me. That everyone thinks about how pretty I used to be, and how sad it is that I changed so much through pregnancy. She tells me that everyone is probably staring at my stretch marks. She tells me my hips are too wide, my arms are too flabby, and my legs will never be toned again.

She sounds just like me, but she’s so much meaner.

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Your Baby Needs a Healthy Gut



We all want what is best for our children. In our society today, we see a lot of sick kids. At least 2 children in every Kindergarten classroom have an allergy. Over 1 million children in the U.S. have Type 1 Diabetes. The rate of obesity is at an all time high and doubles as children grow from toddlers to teens. And 3.12 million children have eczema.
How did we get here?
We’re unhealthy, all of us! As a nation, we are unhealthy. Is there anything we can do to fix this issue?
We can always be proactive by eating right and exercising and instilling these values in our children. My parents were extremely healthy growing up. When my friends were all eating pizza, I was eating chicken breast and veggies. My Mom shopped at Whole Foods way before it was cool, and she and my Dad both worked out every day, and still do! My dad ran a marathon just after his 50th birthday.

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The Elephant Cookies: Kneader’s Fights Childhood Cancer

Disclaimer: Thank you to Kneaders for choosing to partner with me to help promote this important issue.

Did you know September is childhood cancer month? I didn’t.

In fact, there’s a lot I don’t know about cancer because I have been fortunate enough to never have it effect me directly. My great-grandfather died of leukemia long before I was born and that’s the only tie I have to the disease.

While I am extremely lucky, others are not. Children get cancer every day. Children die from cancer everyday. I can only imagine the immense horror of such a diagnosis to either of my precious babies. The fear, the anguish, the unknown. I can only imagine.

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The Babywearing Guide: LÍllébaby Ring Slings

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with LÍllébaby. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you know I love babywearing! I wore Sawyer all the time when he was a baby. It was so easy and convenient. However, with Sawyer I stuck with one wrap and one wrap only. And while it was tried and true, I wish I had branched out more.

The world of babywearing is huge. There are so many carriers to choose from and so many different ways to wear your baby. The babywearing Facebook groups and BST pages are intense and the Mamas in them don’t mess around. This babywearing thing is serious business. This time around, I’m trying all the carriers. I have some wraps, some slings, and some SSCs. I’m so excited to kick off a new series today, where I’ll be writing posts on each one of my different carriers. Welcome to The Babywearing Guide!

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Shopping for Baby: You’ll Never Have Enough Bodysuits

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Carter’s. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

I’m sure you’re all more than familiar with the baby bodysuit.

If not, let me brief you.

The bodysuit is basically what your baby will live in for the better part of his or he first year of life. They will likely wear multiple bodysuits per day. You will have approximately 1,000 of them, yet never have any clean ones. That’s why you can never have too many.

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Double Strolling with Chicco’s BravoFor2 and Fit2 Infant and Toddler Car Seat

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Chicco. All opinions are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

One of the few things I really needed for my second baby was a double stroller. The problem was, I hated all of them. Just the thought of having a huge, bulky stoller in my backseat stressed me out. Having to lug it in and out and add and take away the seats based on their ages, etc etc. A double stroller just sounded like WORK.

But then, I met the BravoFor2.


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Blueberry Banana Acai Bowls: A Yummy Breakfast For a Picky Toddler

Disclaimer: This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias Inc. and it’s adviser. All opinions are mine alone. #Bananamazing #CollectiveBias

Getting a 2 year old to eat enough is hard. I consider Sawyer a pretty good eater and mealtime can still be an epic battle. He likes fruit and lots of it, and not much else. It’s the one thing that he will always eat no matter what. So I’ve been trying to find new and creative ways to give it to him, along with other ingredients to give him the energy he needs to get through his day!

We have smoothies, fruit salads, dried fruit, fruit dipped in chocolate, etc. We do it all! I love that my kiddo loves fruit because it’s good for him and easy for me, but I need more ways to serve it to him!

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