Colorado Bloggers Lyfe Kitchen Event Recap

Hello all!

I recently connected with some other bloggers in my area, forming the Colorado Blogger Babes Network. This is really great for me and my business! I honestly had no idea there were other bloggers in my area. Blogging isn’t very big in Colorado. I’m a part of a lot of blogger facebook groups and I’ll see bloggers getting together all the time in areas where it’s really big like Houston, Atlanta, Provo, and Southern California. They have events like this and network all the time! I was so jealous!

Not only is it great to network with others to help grow your business, but it’s also great to have friends who are likeminded and understand what you do! My friends and family are all very supportive of my blog, but none of them really understand it. How can you when you’ve never experienced it? So it’s been great to connect with people and form friendships with those I have lots in common with. It’s also great for us to come together and support local businesses.

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EasyKicks children's shoes featured by popular Denver mom blogger, All Things Lovely

Save on Children’s Shoes with EasyKicks

Disclaimer: I received this service in exchange for review. All opinions are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

One of the many reasons why raising kids gets so expensive is because they grow so darn fast. I just spent $90 on 3 pairs of shoes 2 months ago and now none of them fit?! It’s horrifying. And sure, maybe you can pass them down to your next child or sell them discounted on Craigslist but it’s still money you’re never getting back for shoes that were worn a total of maybe 10 times each.

It’s madness.

Enters EasyKicks.

Luckily, I found something to make it easier. EasyKicks club will send your kiddos new shoes every month! You send the shoes back when you’re done with them, which brings the cost down from buying a regular pair of shoes. EasyKicks works exclusively with Nike and Converse and there are so many to choose from!

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Target Trips Made Easy with Snap and Shop Tray

Disclaimer: I received this item in exchange for review. All opinions are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

I was going to do a full Friday Favorites today, but then I decided this product needed a post of it’s own. It’s one of those things that’s so simple, and yet so smart you wonder why no one has thought of it before.

Lately, my kid is not so great in stores. Or strollers. Or the car. Or anywhere that requires him to be confined. Long gone are the days of wrapping him in a carrier or sling and going about my errands. Long gone are the days where the grocery cart was new and exciting. Long gone are the days where he’ll relax and fall asleep in the stroller. Long. Gone.

And so begin the tantrums, the fits, and the escapes. So begins the bribing with snacks and new toys if he’ll just be quiet and sit still for 5 more minutes. So begins the letting him drink all my starbucks just so he’ll shut up and dashing through the store like a madwoman so we can be out as soon as possible.

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Mama Stress by Tabitha Lane

Hello and Happy Wednesday! I know my absence has not gone unnoticed. And while I do have some energy back, and a lot of fun projects in the works, this pregnancy is still getting the best of me and my little corner of the internet sometimes gets put on the back burner. I though a good solution to that would be starting to have some guest posts!

Today, I want to introduce you to another local Colorado Blogger, Tabitha Lane of I love her blog because she offers advice on Motherhood in addition to gorgeous style pieces, and thrifted finds (my fav)! She also keeps it real because we all know that Motherhood isn’t all cupcakes and rainbows. It’s the hardest job out there and it comes with a lot of unwanted stress.

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17 Week Bumpdate

This is my second pregnancy, so, let’s be real, I’m probably not going to be consistent at getting updates up. However, pregnancy is beautiful and I want to remember everything about each baby I carry so I’m going to try my best to blog about it every few weeks and when I have updates on my health.

How Far Along? 17 Weeks

How big is baby? Baby is as big as a pomegranate!

Symptoms? Still some lingering nausea, headaches, migraines, heartburn, stomach aches, digestive issues, backaches, stuffy nose

Craving? Corn dogs, strawberries

Gender? 2 1/2 weeks to go!

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Someone Needs to Say it- We Put too Much Pressure on Nap Time!

“Just do it while your kids nap.”

Why is that everyone’s answer to everything?

Working at home Mom? Just work while they nap. 

Need a nap yourself? Just nap while they nap. 

The house is a mess? Just clean while they nap.

Have 34 loads of laundry to do? Just do it while they nap. 

Need some you time? Just do it while they nap. 

Need to catch up on your shows? Just watch them while they nap.

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Pink Blush Boutique Maternity Wear featured by popular Denver mommy blogger, All Things Lovely

Pink Blush Boutique Maternity Wear: It’s All Fun and Games Until Your Jeans Don’t Fit

Disclaimer: Thank you to Pink Blush Boutique for sending select styles for this post. All opinions are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

Unfortunately, pregnancy often means buying a whole new wardrobe. One day, you’ll wake up and nothing will fit you. Your old body will be a thing of the past and it’s time to embrace the bump! This isn’t my first rodeo, so luckily I had a lot of maternity clothes packed away that I could dip into. However, I really wanted some new nice things to help me feel pretty and confident during this pregnancy. During my last pregnancy, one of my favorite places to shop was Pink Blush Boutique. They have such cute maternity clothes!

Pink Blush Boutique offers clothing for every stage of motherhood. Maternity, delivery robes, nursing, and postpartum. Their women’s line is awesome and I shop from there all the time when I’m not pregnant (Check out last years Fall Style with Pink Blush here). I love that they have something for no matter what stage of life I’m in. My bridesmaid’s dress from my sister’s wedding (almost 2 years ago now), and my baby shower dress from my pregnancy with Sawyer were even Pink Blush.

Both my best friend and my brother are getting married this year so I wanted some nice things to wear to all the showers, parties, and rehearsal dinners I have coming up. I got 2 really pretty maternity dresses from Pink Blush.

Pink Boutique Maternity Wear

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The Newest Great Wolf Lodge Location – Why it Excels

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Great Wolf Lodge. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

Last weekend, we had the incredible privilege of checking out the newest Great Wolf Lodge: Colorado Springs!

3 years ago, construction began on what was supposed to be a grand hotel and convention center. Unfortunately, the project was scrapped, and the future hotel sat there, unfinished, for almost 2 years. Finally, the Great Wolf Lodge came along and decided to buy the property for their newest location. Because construction on the hotel had already been started, that gave Great Wolf Lodge room to be creative with the extra space.

Because the convention center space had already been built out, Great Wolf Lodge decided to utilize it to create the first “dry” adventure park in the Great Wolf franchise. This was by far a highlight of our stay. Great Wold Lodge offers adventure passes that allows you to experience the Adventure Park. The Adventure Parks offers attractions such as a full arcade, mini golf, a climbing wall, a ropes course, the creation station, a bowling alley and MagiQuest. The addition of the Adventure Park provides entertainment for days, making it so you truly never need to leave the resort during your vacation.

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4 Ways to Pamper your Pup!

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #TheDogumentaries #CollectiveBias

Dogs are family too! And it’s important to show your dog that they are loved. Bennett was surrendered when he was 18 months old and we rescued him 6 weeks later. He has horrible anxiety and doesn’t like being left alone. He needs a lot of love and reassurance, As most dogs do. We cannot communicate with them with words, we have to show them we love them with our actions.  Taking good care of them is one of the best things we can do for them. We like to keep Bennett looking his best by feeding him good food, giving him regular baths, and making sure he gets exercise. We want Bennett to be the best in show!

Bennett was our first baby. We adopted him after we had only been married a few months, and before I got pregnant with Sawyer. He got a lot of love an attention when he was an only child! And, now things have changed. A lot. And it’s important that he knows how much we still love him. Bennett is the best family dog, and he loves Sawyer so much (and Sawyer is borderline obsessed with him). He’ll sleep in Sawyer’s room with him, and play with him, and lick his face when he cries. Sawyer shares his food with Bennett and insists on holding the leash when we take him on walks. Seeing their relationship flourish is such a blessing to me.

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Grove Collaborative January Picks

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Visit my disclaimer page for more information. 

I know, I know, its February 3rd.

But January was a really hard pregnancy month (#firsttrimesterproblems), and I took a lot of naps and my little corner of the internet had to go on the back burner to my nausea and fatigue.

But now, I’m in my second trimester and my energy is back! Mostly. So I’m catching up, and you’ll get 2 Grove posts this month.

If you’ve never heard of Grove, head here!

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