For The Zombie Parents: The Ninja Coffee Bar

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Ninja Kitchen. This post may contain affiliate links. All opinions are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

We have a 3 week old so we’re officially getting zero sleep. My husband and I have a little agreement. I do all of Oliver’s nighttime feedings, and he gets up with Sawyer, toddler extraordinaire, at the crack of dawn. So I’m sleeping in shorter increments, but he’s getting up earlier. At the end of the day, we’re both getting about the same amount of sleep.

Close to none.

I’ve never been much of a coffee drinker. I really only like coffee when it’s cold brew or iced which can be really hard to make at home. But now that we have a newborn again I need the caffeine in an extreme way if I’m going to get through my day. So that means either suck it up and drink coffee I don’t love, or find out how to make iced coffee work at home.

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“Oh, Two-dles!” Sawyer’s Second Birthday Party

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Oriental Trading. All opinions are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

I had such big plans for Sawyer’s second birthday. There was a whole pinterest board dedicated to fun ideas and DIYs. I was going to make all the snacks and decorations myself. There was going to be tons of fun activities, all his friends and our friends were going to be there and it was going to be the perfect summer afternoon.

Then, reality set in. I started having some complications with my pregnancy and had to start modified bed rest. Meaning all of the snacks and DIYs would have to be put on the back burner.

We ended up ordering all the decor from Oriental Trading, only inviting family and very few close friends, we got snack trays from Wal Mart, and I made Funfetti cupcakes from a boxed mix. I was bummed I couldn’t give Sawyer the pinterest-worthy party I had envisioned, but you know what, it didn’t matter.

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What The Lord Taught Me During our NICU Stay

Murphy’s Law- Anything that can go wrong, will.

It started with Oliver coming into this world. When my water broke at 2am on June 25th I practically lost my mind. I’ll save most of the details for when I write Oliver’s full birth story but after I realized what was happening I started sobbing and hyperventilating and I couldn’t stop. It was too early. It was too close to Sawyer’s birthday. He was still breech. I would need another c-section. It was way too early. Still, 3 weeks later, when I think about the feeling of waking up to warm water gushing down my legs, it makes my skin crawl and sends a shiver up my spine.

By the grace of God, Oliver turned on his own after I was admitted to the hospital and I was able to have a VBAC. Trial #1 turned to miracle #1.

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The Benefits of Cord Blood Banking

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Americord. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

Our babies are so special.

I look at my two sons and I know I would do anything for them! There is no cost I would spare, nothing I wouldn’t do, to make sure they were safe, healthy, and happy. We always want what’s best for our children, don’t we?

Something I wish I was more educated on before my babies were born is Cord Blood Banking. And I’m not alone. Approximately 33% of all expectant parents are unaware of the option of Cord Blood Banking, and even of those who are aware, 74% of them consider themselves to be minimally informed.

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A Coming Home Outfit

Disclaimer: I received these products in exchange fore review. All opinions are my own. Visit my Disclaimer Page for more information.

Since Sawyer came early, there were a few things I never got to do and wasn’t prepared for. We didn’t have the nursery done, we didn’t have a coming home outfit for him, we didn’t even have hospital bags packed. So with this baby, I knew I needed to be more prepared!

Well, Oliver came even earlier than Sawyer did and while there are still plenty of things that need to be done, we were at least slightly more prepared. I did at least have the hospital bags packed which really was lucky, given I had only packed them a week before. I had all the newborn clothes unpacked, I had all the gear I needed, and I had a coming home outfit for him.

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I Cry All Day Long Now (My First Few Days as a NICU Mom)

I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. Leaving the hospital everyday without my baby is gut-wrenching. I’m tearing up just thinking about having to do it again tomorrow.

I cry when I wake up because I open my eyes and remember I had a baby a few days ago, who’s not here with me.

I cry when I pump because I wish I could feed him directly and I can’t.

I cry when I leave Sawyer to visit the NICU.

I cry as I make the hour long drive to the hospital and pass 4 other hospitals much closer to home that my insurance wouldn’t allow me to deliver at.

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The FabFitFun Summer Box!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

My favorite time of the season- FabFitFun time! I seriously look forward to the arrival of this box every 3 months or so. It always makes my day and is filled with the best stuff.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: FabFitFun is such a treat. As a busy mom, I don’t often like to spend too much money on things for myself. But every few months I get a box full of high quality goodies just for me and I love it! That’s the beauty of subscription boxes.

Let’s dive right in to what comes in the Summer Box!

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34 Week Pregnancy + Condition Update

Hello, Friends.

First of all, thank you so much for all your messages and prayers regarding Baby Brown. They mean so much to us! A lot has happened in the last week that I want to document so let’s get right to it. I haven’t done a bumpdate in so long!

How far along? 34 weeks

How big is baby? Baby is the size of a butternut squash

Symptoms? High blood pressure, headaches, swelling, fatigue, achy back, pelvic pressure, contractions, frequent urination

Cravings? Still ice.

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Friday Favorites -Forté Elements and Ecocentric Mom

If I hit “publish” on this before midnight, I can still call it a Friday Favorites post, right? This week has been nothing short of disappointing, crazy, busy, scary, and every other emotion you can think of. I’ll do a quick pregnancy update next week but basically, last weekend I started showing the beginning signs of preeclampsia and have been on a modified bed rest ever since. I haven’t been diagnosed with anything yet, thank goodness. We’re hoping if I rest and take it easy we can avoid big blood pressure spikes. We’ll see. Keep me in your prayers!

Disclaimer: I received these items in exchange for review. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

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Wedding Planning with Marry Me

Disclaimer: We received these products in exchange for review. All opinions are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

You guys, my little brother is getting married this summer.

8 days after my due date to be exact (thanks, bro). It’s been so crazy and I feel so old! We all love his fiance and the wedding plans have been in full swing since Christmas. It’s going to be such a great day.

As with any wedding, they want to save money wherever possible. I was thrilled to offer them the chance to shop the brand new Marry Me collection by Oriental Trading. They were able to shop the new collection and pick out a few personalized and unique things they needed for their wedding. We were so pleased when the items arrived. They were all affordable, yet great quality, and the shipping was fast!

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