Chemical Free in 2016: Ecocentric Mom Box

So far, going chemical free has been a really great thing for us and I have some really great things to show you! I’m feeling great knowing that I’m making my home a safer and more natural place for my family.

However, it is a lot of extra work. And potentially, if I don’t feel like DIYing, a lot more money. So I’ve been on the hunt for anything to make it easier , and I found Ecocentric Mom Box.


Ecocentric Mom Box is a subscription box that ships all natural and eco-friendly products for mom and baby right to your door! You can update your box preferences as your family grows and expands, and Ecocentric Mom Box will send you products that fit your needs. You have the option for a Pregnancy Box, a Mom Box, or a Mom and Baby box. We got a Mom and Baby Box. The products are useful, unique, and fun!

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Valentine’s Weekend Recap

I had such a wonderful Valentine’s weekend! I hope you did too! Kurtis had the whole weekend off! I don’t even remember the last time that happened! We got to spend two consecutive days with him and had so much fun.

We’re not super into Valentine’s Day. We like to celebrate it (and celebrate us), but we don’t like to make a big deal about it. We have so many gift giving holidays in the winter (both our birthdays, Christmas, and then our anniversary), that by the time Valentine’s Day rolls around, we just want to do something low key.

I got a pass to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo for my birthday, so that’s what we decided to do on Saturday! It’s about an hour away so we packed up the diaper bag and hit the road.

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Month 7


I can’t believe we’re over the hump of his first year! He’s closer to 1 now than he is to a newborn. However, he’s so much fun right now! I was joking with Kurtis the other day and asked “when we have a second one can it just come out at 6 months old?” It’s so fun to see him laugh and play and interact with us. The only downside is that he needs to be entertained pretty much all the time now, and that can be exhausting.

He’s starting to experience a bit of separation anxiety when I leave the room. Which is also exhausting, but sweet. He loves his daddy and is obsessed with our dog, Bennett. He things he is hilarious and wants to pet him all day long. He’s rolling everywhere, his favorite thing is too just lay on a blanket with some toys and just roll and play. He was pretty behind on his head control, finally got the hang of it around 5 months, and now he’s trying to sit up! He’s kind of behind on that too, but since he was born prematurely, we just let him hit milestones at his own pace. We think he’ll be there in another few weeks. He’s also trying to crawl!

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Crunchy Mom Makes Baby Food

As Mothers, we always want to do what’s best for our children. That means something different for every Mother. Some cloth diaper. Some teach their babies sign language. Some practice baby lead weaning. Some start their infants in swimming lessons as early as 6 months old. I make all organic baby food from scratch!


To some moms, this isn’t important, and that’s okay. But to me, it is! When I first got pregnant, I started researching everything infant. And in my research, I came across what to do when it was time to start solids. And you know what I found? A bunch of news articles from a few years ago about how Gerber baby food was recalled because a set of parents found glass in one of the jars.


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Chemical Free in 2016- Lotions, Moisturizers, and Perfumes

Today, I’m kicking off a new series that I’m really excited about it! I’ve decided to rid my house of chemicals this year. This means switching to either homemade, or all natural cleaning supplies, detergents, candles, shampoos and conditioners, beauty products, bath products and more! I will be recording this journey here and sharing all my DIYs and recipes for a more natural and safe home!

My reasoning for doing this is simple. I want my home to be the safest place possible for my children. If we didn’t have Sawyer I probably wouldn’t even be thinking about this. But I do think about it. Babies and toddlers literally put everything in their mouths. And he’s going to be mobile soon. I would hate to look away for one second and turn around to see him drinking out of the Windex bottle. That would result in a pretty long day in urgent care, and in the worst case scenario, possibly even death. But if I turn around and he’s drinking from my all natural window cleaner made of only distilled water, baking soda, and vinegar, he might get a tummy ache but he’s probably going to be fine.

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The Swaddle Transition from Hell (and how we fixed it with the Zipadee Zip Swaddle!)

A few months ago, on a chilly November day, it happened. What we had been anticipating and dreading. The thing we knew would change our night time routine forever.

Sawyer rolled over.

And while we were proud and excited that our Little Man had hit such a big milestone, we knew one horrible thing to be true:

We had to stop swaddling him at night.

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Beautiful Breakfasts – Avocado Toast and Greek Yogurt

I love breakfast. So much.


Ever since we got married, getting up and cooking breakfast has been one of my favorite things. Since I work 3 nights a week and Kurtis’ schedule is crazy, we sit down to breakfast together more often than we sit down to dinner together.

It’s so important for us to spend that time together. We get a chance to eat some yummy breakfast foods and talk and catch up with each other. As new parents with incredibly busy schedules, it’s so nice to take a few minutes in the morning to just be together.

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Diary of a Working Mom: Our Morning Routine

Being a working mom is probably the hardest thing I’ve done in my life thus far. Stay at home moms are busy enough, that’s a full time job in itself! But then add working outside the home on top of all of that, I’m surprised I get everything done.

Oh wait!

I don’t.

But that’s okay. Sometimes the dishes go unwashed and the laundry goes unfolded. That’s okay. I try my hardest to make sure these things get done, but some weeks they slip through the cracks and I need to learn not to beat myself up over it. I’m doing the best I can.

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I Will Always do What’s Best for You

Today, we had a pretty disheartening pediatric appointment. I took Sawyer in for his 6 month check-up and his weight gain is not going as hoped. He gained half a pound this month, which is better than last month but still not good.

We’ve been having trouble keeping weight on him for a while now. For the past month I’ve been pumping in between every feeding in attempt to give him a few extra ounces. We’ve also been feeding him oat cereal twice a day. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be helping much and I simply can’t keep up. Before last month, I had an ample freezer supply. Now, I’m down to one bag, and I’m trying to save it for an emergency. My supply just can’t keep up with him.

The PA wanted to run tests to make sure it isn’t something more serious keeping him from gaining weight. He already was scheduled for 3 shots which were bad enough. Then, he had to do a urine test and a blood test. They took 3 full vials of blood while I held him still, screaming in my arms. If you’re a mom, you know how heartbroken I was. I have a hard enough time with his shots, the blood draw was almost traumatizing. We’ll know the results of the tests in a few days. I don’t think there’s anything wrong. I’m sure he just needs to eat more. But, it’s always best to be cautious, and get the tests just in case.

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