Detoxify Yourself with Homegrown Collective

Hey all! Today I’m sharing a really great eco-friendly subscription box called Homegrown Collective!

Homegrown Collective is a monthly subscription box that delivers all-natural, “green” DIY products to your door every month. And they’re so fun! Homegrown Collective provides you with all the ingredients and tools necessary to make your own all natural products for your home. And every month is different!


Past boxes have included Home Remedies and Cure-Alls, Let Us Make Soap, The Beauty of Coconut, Honey: How Sweet it is, and DIY Detox in a Box! They design their boxes based on the season and how it will be useful during that time of year. Their goal is to help their members become greener and more self-sufficient by learning how to make things themselves that are much less harmful than the things you can buy on the shelves. Members have even coined it “Pinterest in a box!” The box I received was full of DIY projects perfect for a “Spa night”, they’ve really helped me minimize the chemicals in my beauty supplies even further!

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Friday Favorites! (Drops of Joy Jewelry and Carrier Stick)

Happy Friday!

Every time I write a Friday Favorites post, I can’t believe it’s already Friday again! You guys know I love my essential oils! I use them daily and they are key to riding my house of chemicals and living a more natural lifestyle. I would be lost without them. Today’s Friday Favorites are going to feature some of my favorite accessories for essential oils that I know you guys are going to love!

Disclaimer: I received these items in exchange for review, all opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.

Drops of Joy Jewelry


Okay. Get ready because, until recently, I didn’t even know products like this existed. Diffuser Jewelry. You read that right. How cool is that? With diffuser jewelry you can reap the aromatic benefits of essential oils all day long, by wearing them right on your person!

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Easter Brunch Inspiration

I cannot believe Spring is almost here! I love all the seasons for different reasons. I feel like Spring and Fall are so fun because it’s when the seasons really change! Spring sort of leads into Summer and Fall sort of fades into Winter, but With Spring and Fall you really get the change of going from cooler weather to warmer weather and vice versa!

I love spring colors. And I love Easter. Growing up in a Christian family (as a pastor’s kid, no less) Easter was always kind of a long day. My dad always teaches a Saturday night service, an Easter sunrise service, and 3 regular Sunday morning services, so by the time Church is over he is wiped. So we usually spent our Easters eating yummy food and napping. Which is the best way to spend it! As I got older, we started having brunch after church to spend time together as a family before heading off to nap. Now that I have my own family I definitely want to include fun Easter traditions. Sunday brunch is always a must, but Easter brunch is even better!

I teamed up with my lovely friend Becca from Lashes + Honey to put together this lovely brunch! We used Spring and Easter as our inspiration.

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Month 8

Month 8 is here already! (in fact, we’re almost to month 9!) A few weeks ago we passed the mark where Sawyer has been out longer than he was in! I can’t believe I’ve now been a mother longer than I was pregnant (because pregnancy felt like 5 years, and motherhood has felt like 5 seconds). It’s a bummer that pregnancy drags its feet so much, and then your babies grow in the blink of an eye!

Sawyer is 15 lbs even and 28 in long.


His last weight check didn’t go as well this month as it did last month and they had to run more tests. We took him down to get more blood work done, and it was awful. Apparently he wasn’t hydrated enough and they couldn’t get enough blood (he wasn’t hydrated enough because we didn’t bring and extra bottle because we weren’t expecting a quick weight check to take 2 HOURS). They tried in both arms and when they couldn’t get anything, told us to come back later. We haven’t been back yet. Only because it’s really rough to see them stick your baby with needles so I refuse to go without Kurtis, so we’re waiting to go back until there’s a day when we’re both off!

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Friday Favorites (Coco and Kiwi)

I can’t believe it’s Friday again already! My weeks are busy but they sure do fly by. This week wasn’t super eventful, other than that we went paleo! But more on that later. This week started out sunny, but ended kind of gloomy! I’ve already reached a few of my goals for the month and couldn’t be happier! Here are some things I’m loving:

Disclaimer: I received this product in exchange for review. This post may contain affiliate links. All opinions are my own.

Coco and Kiwi

I was sent the most beautiful diaper bag ever by Coco and Kiwi. Their bags are so adorable. At first, I was concerned it was going to be too small, but it fits everything I need and is so stylish! The first time I dropped Sawyer off at my mom’s house with it, she didn’t believe it was a diaper bag!

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Chemical Free in 2016- Household Cleaners

Hello all!

Today, we’re continuing our Chemical Free in 2016 series, by replacing our household cleaners! Newsflash: You’re household cleaners are toxic! Some of them could literally kill you if accidentally ingested, and the fumes are often harmful. Why are we all so okay with keeping products like this in our homes?

For me, it’s simply convenience. I though that buying cleaners at the store would be much easier than making my own.

But I was so wrong.

Making my own cleaners literally took minutes. And included items I already had in my pantry, so I didn’t even need to pick anything up at the store! And, it saves so much money. Today, I will be sharing two cleaners with you; All-Purpose, and Glass cleaners. I’ll save some other cleaners such as bathroom cleaner and wood polisher for a separate post.

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Paleo Creamy Citrus Chicken with Mushrooms and Asparagus

This week, Kurtis and I decided we wanted to attempt to go Paleo! Okay, well, I decided. Funny story, I really wanted to go Paleo or do a Whole 30 but couldn’t get Kurtis on board. And I need him on board if I want to be successful. We eat pretty healthy already (I grew up on healthy foods, so it’s my personal preference) and he felt like that was good enough! But I really wanted to do something stricter now that I’m finally back into my regular workout routine. And if Kurtis isn’t on board, I know I will fail! If I’m buying one set of groceries for me, and another for him, I’ll just end up eating the not-so healthy stuff I buy for him. If there’s bad stuff in the house, I will eat it. If I want to be good, it can’t be in the house! Kurtis is all for eating healthy, and he loves to workout, but I think the idea of Paleo or Whole 30 scared him because it’s so restrictive.

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Fri-yay Favorites (Lookie Lookies and Nuby USA)

Happy Friday! I used to never understand why people loved Fridays so much. I always worked weekends! And even funnier, I always had Mondays off and worked weekends. So I always loved and looked forward to Mondays and didn’t see anything special about Fridays. Pretty much the opposite of the rest of the world! Now, Friday is the last day of my work week, followed by 3 wonderful days off with my Little Man.

So, in the spirit of celebrating the end of my work week, I thought I would start sharing with you some things that I’m loving this week!

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Little Sun Hat Giveaway!

I searched high and low for a winter hat for Sawyer that wouldn’t fall off his head and that was cute. Traditional hats he would pull right off an play with. Everything is a toy! but, living in Colorado, we needed something that would keep him warm and stay on his head!

I foundĀ Little Sun Hat on Instagram and fell in love. These hats are hand sewn by Kara Meloy in Cashmere, Washington.

“As a young girl, learning to sew and given free reign to wander the fabric aisles, I fell in love with shapes, textures, and the ways colors are carefully considered in design. With meticulous detail, every barbie doll I owned was given a new wardrobe (with a fresh haircut!), and my siblings were lovingly made to wear my first fumbled hand-knit caps. With a little convincing they soon grew to love those hats!

It was not long after the birth of our fourth son, that I made our very first bonnet. I explained to my husband that it was “just a little sun hat”, and soon after our business was born. I have held on to that sweet little hat and will cherish it forever, it reminds me of my early years as a mother.”

-Kara Meloy, Little Sun Hat

I love supporting small businesses, not only does it benefit the business owner, and the economy, but it means that what you’re getting is unique. Sure, I could pick Sawyer up a cute hat at Target (and I love me some Target), but then every other baby his age would have it! Little Sun Hat is unique and adorable. Everyone comments on his hat when he wears it! He does pull it off adorably, but I guess I’m biased.


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Our Night Time Routine

Everyone knows, part of getting a baby to have a good night’s sleep is a good night time routine! I like to keep ours nice and simple, since I’m not always home for bedtime. So it needs to be simple enough for Grandma or Daddy to follow too!

Research shows that an established bedtime routine leads to a better nights sleep. Babies and children who are on a consistent bedtime schedule fall asleep easier and wake up less throughout the night. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about babies (my baby anyways!) its that they thrive on schedules and consistency.

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