Pregnancy Announcement Ideas featured by popular Denver mom blogger, All Things Lovely

The Best Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

You only get one chance to announce your pregnancy! It should be special to you, and eye catching to your social media following!

When we announced our pregnancy with Sawyer I scoured Pinterest for weeks trying to find the perfect pregnancy announcement ideas. I didn’t want anything cliche, and I wanted it to be unique and special. A picture that we could frame and love forever.

I chose right.

Although I did draw inspiration from Pinterest and other pregnancy announcement ideas, the image is my own and I had an incredible photographer. To this day it is my most popular blog post ever and it has been re-pinned on Pinterest over 27,000 times!  A lot of the traffic to my blog comes from this one pin! Basically, a lot of my success as a blogger comes from my pregnancy announcement (which just goes to show that your content can make or break you! If you ever have questions about starting a blog you can always contact me).

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Month 11

Note: I wrote this before Sawyer’s first birthday but never published it! It escaped my mind until now and I figured I should get it published before I get his 12 month one up!

I’m pretty late in posting this, given that he will be one in less than a week (cue the tears), but here is Sawyer’s 11 month update!

At his last check up (9 months) he was 20lbs 15 oz and 30 inches long. I would assume he’s at least 22 lbs by now and that he’s grown about an inch. He’s huge!

Ever since he self-weaned and switched to formula he’s been growing like a weed! I’m so glad to have the weigh issues behind us  and have my squishy chunky baby.

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How to Have a Good Summer

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SToKcoldbrew #CollectiveBias

How to Have a Good Summer by popular Denver lifestyle blogger, All Things Lovely

I can’t believe we’re coming up on the end of summer! It absolutely flew by and we’ve had so much fun! I know what some of you are thinking ‘I didn’t even do anything this summer!’ .

We, as a society, are so lazy! I blame Netflix. Netflix has made us lazy, ha! But it’s true! And while I’m always down for a good binge watching session, I want to be present during the summer. For my family and friends, I want to get out and explore and experience and have a good summer overall! We live in Colorado, half of the year we are shut up inside due to the snow and cold temperatures. So during the summer, I want more than anything to be active! I know when Sawyer grows up I want him to have amazing memories of summertime with his family.

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What’s the Deal with Jamberry Nails?

I see Jamberry everywhere these days and I’ve always been curious. I love having my nails done. But since Sawyer was born it’s something I’ve had to give up due to time and costs. Having along time to go to the salon is one thing, but the expense is another! Why does it cost so much for some nail polish?

One thing I will always splurge on is a much needed pedicure. Feet are so gross and I’m willing to pay to make mine pretty, ha!

But I missed my pretty fingernails. From time to time I would do them myself but it was so time consuming and they would start chipping after only a day or two. When I saw Jamberry consultant starting to pop up on my social media feeds, I was interested, but I thought there was no way nail “stickers” could be very good quality or last very long.

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A Touching Tribute from Legoland California

Disclaimer: I received park-hopper tickets from Legoland, CA and a media pass to the unveiling of the One World Trade Center in exchange for promotion. All opinions expressed are my own. 

I can’t begin to explain how honored I was, not only to be selected as an official Legoland blogger, but to also be invited to the unveiling of the new One World Trade Center in Miniland, USA. I cannot wait to make many more memories with Sawyer at Legoland as he gets older! We cannot be more excited to be a part of this program!

Miniland, USA is by far my favorite part of Legoland. It is so incredible! I could spend all day there just looking at all the displays (especially the Star Wars scenes…but that’s for a whole other post). Everything is built on a 1:20 scale and it’s amazing. They have models of Las Vegas, Washington DC, London, and more! It’s almost breathtaking seeing all the intricate details and hours of work that must go in to making them.


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Boardwalk Style- Ruby Claire Boutique

Disclaimer: I received this item in exchange for review. All opinions are my own.

Happy Wednesday! We’ve been back over a week and I still have so much to share from our trip! I hope you were able to catch our trip recap and read all about it.

Today, I want to talk about boardwalk style! There’s definitely a type of fashion that is reserved solely for summer and the beach. It happens to be my favorite kind. I am always on the hunt for the perfect summer pieces and I think I found them at Ruby Claire Boutique.

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Balboa Island Trip Recap + Rad Swim

I’ve been so excited to put this post together! A few weeks ago we took our first family vacation as a family of 3! And it was mine and Kurtis’ first real vacation in almost 3 years! It was wonderful and it made us realize we really need to make it a personal and financial priority to go on more vacations. At least one per year. It’s good for the soul!

A little backstory on Balboa Island, it’s my favorite place in the whole world. Even more so than Disneyland (my second favorite place in the whole world). You may have even seen it in my about section. It’s located just off the coast of Newport, CA (you drive over a bridge to get there), and it’s a gorgeous, sleepy little town, perfectly preserved in what feels like the 1960’s. It’s small (you can walk the whole thing), and oh, so beautiful! Every house is completely unique and gorgeous, and both sides of the island face out into the beautiful bay.

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Back Hide-A-Boo Hideouts!

“It is a happy talent to know how to play.”  – Ralph Waldo Emerson


Hey friends! I just wanted to drop some quick info about an awesome product currently running on kickstarter. Hide-A-Boo hideouts are adorable little hideouts that encourage imagination and play in children! They are so cute! And every fort comes with a package of free teachables to create costumes, games, puppets and more!


The project is currently running on kickstarter, if you back them, you can get a hideout for only $29.99! But hurry! There’s only 4 days left!

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