The Elephant Cookies: Kneader’s Fights Childhood Cancer

Disclaimer: Thank you to Kneaders for choosing to partner with me to help promote this important issue.

Did you know September is childhood cancer month? I didn’t.

In fact, there’s a lot I don’t know about cancer because I have been fortunate enough to never have it effect me directly. My great-grandfather died of leukemia long before I was born and that’s the only tie I have to the disease.

While I am extremely lucky, others are not. Children get cancer every day. Children die from cancer everyday. I can only imagine the immense horror of such a diagnosis to either of my precious babies. The fear, the anguish, the unknown. I can only imagine.

If we can do anything, even something small, to prevent this horrendous thing from happening, wouldn’t we? Shouldn’t we? Kneader’s thinks so.

Gary and Colleen Worthington (Kneader’s founders), were horrified to learn their grandson, Tanner, had Hodgkin lymphoma in 2015. Tanner faced a hard fight, and is now cancer free. Ever since, the Worthington’s and Kneader’s have been supporting the work of Dr. Schiffman and the Huntsman Cancer Institute.

Dr. Schmiffan has unique and exciting research in preventing cancer. Elephants.

You heard me right! Elephants!

As if there weren’t enough reasons to love these playful animals, Elephants have 40 strands of cancer-fighting proteins in their DNA, where humans only have 2. Dr. Schiffin has been making groundbreaking discoveries by researching elephant DNA might be the key to ending cancer. This information is life changing and could be the breakthrough we’ve all been waiting for.

So how can you help? Eat a yummy cookie! All throughout the month of September Kneader’s will be selling Elephant Cookies at all of their locations, with 100% of the proceeds going towards childhood cancer research. There’s also lots of other fun Elephant merchandise you can buy!

So stop by Kneader’s during the next 2 weeks and get yourself an Elephant cookie. Let’s fight childhood cancer together, one cookie at a time!

Learn more HERE. Donate to the cause HERE. And shop the merchandise HERE.

And be sure to check out Kneader’s!

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