Hey Mama, You Need a Time-Out

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Chai Leaves Premier Tea Club. All opinions are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

This time of year is crazy.

It’s crazy and I can’t seem to slow down and enjoy it. I want to so badly. Sawyer is 18 months old. He is the perfect age to enjoy the lights, the decorations, the sweets, opening presents, and being with family. I want to be present. I want to enjoy every moment. I want to remember it all.

But there’s so much to do! I have to decorate, shop, bake, wrap, clean, host, attend, and so much more. Don’t you wish we got a few weeks off for the holidays even as adults? Like we used to with school? If I had 2 weeks off of work, maybe it wouldn’t be so stressful. But then again, maybe it still would.

The holidays are so busy, and motherhood is so busy. It never stops.

But maybe we should.

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Last Minute Christmas Decor

Disclaimer: I received these items from Oriental Trading in exchange for promotion. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

I can’t believe Christmas is mere days away! There’s still so much to do!

I’m hosting Christmas Ever for my in laws at our house this year and so I want things to be festive! I decorated my house a few weeks ago, but once I found out I would be hosting Christmas Eve, I wanted to add a few more decorative items, to make sure it was perfect!

I was able to find everything I needed from Oriental Trading. They have just about anything you could need for any occasion, their selection of items in just about endless! The shipping was fast and the customer service was great, I will definitely be ordering from them again!

I picked a few really great things, a garland, a penguin tea set, silver lanterns, and hanging globes.

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Fab Fit Fun Winter Box Review featured by popular Denver lifestyle blogger, All Things Lovely

Fab Fit Fun Winter Box Review

Diclaimer: I received this Fab Fit Fun winter box in exchange for review. This post contains affiliate links. All opinions expressed are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

It’s that time of the season again! Time for another Fab Fit Fun box!

I just love when my box arrives each season. Since it only happens 4 times a year, it’s such a treat. And this box did not disappoint! I really liked all the items, a few of them made the cost effectiveness of the box extremely worth it. Lets dive in.


Here’s everything you’ll get in this Fab Fit Fun winter box:

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Saturday Shoutouts- Her Silver Lining and Gentry California

Disclaimer: I received these items in exchange for review. All opinions are my own. Read all about it on my disclaimer page.

Happy Weekend!

I know I’ve never done a Saturday Shoutout before. It basically means I was running behind for Friday Favorites, ha!

I can’t believe how close we’re getting to Christmas guys, it’s crazy! I’m so swamped! This time of year is insane for our family, and strangely, for the blog. Who would’ve thought! I can barely keep my eye sopen as I type this.

Wake me up when December ends, am I right?

Just kidding, I love December, I just really need a nap.

Speaking of Christmas I have two great shops to share with you today, both perfect for the holidays!

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For Your Holiday Entertaining – Guacamole Chicken Sliders Recipe

Happy Holidays!

Chances are, you’ll be entertaining in one way or another this holiday, whether it’s a big party of just some family members over for a meal.

When entertaining, I like to keep things as simple as possible, with minimal cleanup. I either serve something really easy, like tacos, or a spread of yummy appetizers and finger foods. Today, I’m sharing a yummy, easy appetizer recipe, perfect for holiday entertaining!

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Simplify Your Mornings with Beddy’s! 

Disclaimer: I received this item in exchange for review. All opinions are my own. Read all about it on my disclaimer page.

If you lead a busy life (let’s be honest, who doesn’t?), you know just how crazy mornings can get.
Mornings are by far the busiest part of my day! Especially if I have to work that afternoon. They usually consist of making everyone breakfast, getting ready, walking the dog, packing lunches, putting dinner in the crockpot, getting some work done on the blog, and picking up the house before sprinting out the door.

Anything that can save me time, I’ll take it.

I try my hardest, but I’m definitely a hot mess mom at times. Before recently our bed was hardly ever made. I tried to make a point of doing it, but usually by the time I had a free second, it was already last afternoon, and what was the point if I was just going to climb into it again in a few short hours?

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Friday Favorites- In Due Time Devotional

Disclaimer: I received this item in exchange for review. All opinions are my own. Read all about it on my disclaimer page.

Happy Friday! It’s been a long week, and we’re looking forward to the weekend around here!

Today I want to share with you something near and dear to my heart, the In Due Time devotional written by my blogger friend Caroline Harries.

Caroline blogs over at in-due-time.com and is an incredible writer. She writes about her struggles with infertility, her faith, and her journey for miracle babies.


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The Perfect Stocking Stuffers

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BigLotsHoliday #CollectiveBias

One of my favorite parts about Christmas is stockings! When I was younger, my parents had a rule. We couldn’t wake them up until at least 8am on Christmas morning (we’re a family of sleepers). But, whenever my siblings and I woke up, we were allowed to open our stockings and our gifts from each other while we waited.

Every year, the 4 of use drew names, so we only had to buy a gift for one other person. On Christmas morning, while my parents were still snoozing away, we would gather around our mini tree in the upstairs hallway to open our stockings and our sibling gifts. It is one of my favorite childhood Christmas memories. So, as an adult, I want to make sure opening the stockings is fun for my family as well.
Stocking stuffers can be hard to tackle. You’ve already spent an arm and a leg on Christmas presents, and now you have to stuff everyone’s stockings too? With what?

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A Quick Living Room Makeover

Disclaimer: I received select items from Lorena Canals Rugs in exchange for review. All opinions are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

When we found out our plans of buying a house had fallen through and we needed to stay in our condo indefinitely, we decided to redecorate a little bit. Nothing huge because we didn’t want to break the bank, but our home was beginning to feel very cramped and I hadn’t updated anything since we moved in 3 years ago. My style has changed since then!

We decided to update the living room and the master bedroom. Just a few quick fixes and we we’re able to really turn the rooms around! I’m in love. I’m not 100% done with the living room yet, but wanted to give a quick update.

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Let’s Talk About Car Seat Safety (Featuring Graco Car Seats)

Disclaimer: Thank you to Nakturnal Agency for sponsoring this post. All opinions expressed are my own. Visit my disclaimer page for more information.

As parents, we have a responsibility to keep our children safe. I know, as a parent you love your child more than anything. And if you love your child, I encourage you to take the time to research car seat safety.

Sometimes I am shocked at what people don’t know about car seat safety. But then I remember, when Sawyer was just a few weeks old how little I knew about car seat safety. In fact, someone (very kindly) pointed out to me on Facebook that the head support insert I was using with our car seat, wasn’t ideal for safety. And rather than be offended, I was thankful. I was a brand new parent and how would I have know otherwise?

So when someone stops you on the street to offer advice, a friend pulls you aside, or a well-meaning aquaintence messages you on facebook, to correct you or offer advice, please take it an do not get offended. Most likely, they are doing it out of concern for your child, because we all want children to be safe. They are not trying to embarrass you or tell you you are a bad parent. We are all just trying to help. It takes a village, right?


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