Introducing Your Baby to Solids


Oliver has been growing so fast. It’s been this way with both of my boys. Because they were born prematurely, they were stuck in the “newborn stage” for quite a while. Then after they turn 6 months, hit a bunch of milestones all at once! Sitting up, crawling, grabbing, etc.

They were so delayed for so long that when they rapidly start catching up and hitting milestones, it feels like they’re growing up in the blink of an eye and really tugs on my Mama heart strings.

Oliver started solids around Christmas. It’s a much different experience than with Sawyer.

You know how it is when you’re a first time Mom. You want everything to be perfect and give your baby they absolute best. So, I made all of Sawyer’s baby food…by hand!

But now, as a Mom of two, #aintnobodygottimeforthat so I’ve learned to find store-brands that I trust. I wish that over-achieving first time mom feeling could last forever, but now real life with 2 kids has set in and I need something a little easier!

One brand I’ve always loved and trusted is Gerber. Oliver has used their cereal since we first started solids a few months ago. They have a few different flavors, it’s easy to digest, it’s not too expensive, and he loves it! It’s the perfect first food.

This cereal contains essential nutrients such as Iron, Zinc, Vitamin C and E, and Calcium! Just 2 servings of Gerber Infant Cereal meets 90% of your baby’s iron needs. Right now, your baby needs as much support as it can get to support healthy brain development! The cereal can be mixed with breastmilk or formula so all moms can give it to their babies! It’s Non-GMO, contains no artificial colors or flavors, and the container is BPA free!

If you’re getting ready to start feeding your baby solids, be sure to consider Gerber Infant Cereal! Learn more here. And head HERE for some amazing coupons!

