This Triple Wash and Triple Soap post is sponsored by Summers Laboratories on behalf of Everywhere Agency however; all opinions are my own.
It’s no secret that my kids have had a rough time sleeping. Sawyer was a great sleeper as a baby but for some reason, as soon as he turned 2, he was up almost nightly. And Oliver has almost never slept through the night!
Recently, we started using a sleep coach to help them sleep through the night. While I can’t share our specific plan, I will tell you that one of her biggest tips was bathing the kids every night. At first I thought that was crazy! First of all, it takes a decent amount of time and effort to bathe the kids. Second, I had always heard that bathing them every night was bad for their skin.
She then explained that bathing every night was usually okay, as long as you didn’t actually wash them every night. Just let them play and wind down in the warm water most nights, and then only wash them every other night or every two nights. The benefits of bathing them nightly far outweighed the cons. Yes, it takes up time in our evening and we had to adjust our schedule, but getting them in the bath every night lets
them know that bed time is coming, and the warm water soothes and relaxes them, preparing them for sleep.
And I have to say, not only did it help with their sleep schedule, but I’m actually really enjoying bathing them every night! It’s so nice to have a strict routine and bath time has really become a fun, bonding time for us.
We love using Triple Soap and Triple Wash on the nights we do wash the boys. Triple Wash is so gentle, you can actually wash them every day with it if you choose! Triple Wash is from the same experts who brought us Triple Paste Diaper Rash Cream, and this time they formulated a wash for the bath! Triple Wash and Triple Soap both help to gently soothe away any skin irritations like diaper rash or eczema. They are both fragrance free, Triple Wash is tear free and has the optimal pH to protect your little one’s
skin barrier and microbiome. Triple Soap is kid sized and has received the NEA seal of approval.

Bath time has really been wonderful!
The kids get to play together and bond with each other and I get to bond and play with them too. I remember the first time we bathed both of them. We were so nervous. With Sawyer, we were so concerned we would do something wrong we called my mom to come over and help us. He loved the bath and was instantly soothed. With Oliver, he was still in the NICU and the nurses usually bathed him when we weren’t there. This time, we happened to be there for bath time so they let us do the bath. They instructed us how to bathe him despite his tubes and leads, advice we would need for months to come. It was much harder than bathing Sawyer, and he definitely didn’t like it as much, but it was so wonderful to finally bathe him ourselves.

Since then, I try to always remember how precious things like bath time can be. The days go so fast and soon they won’t want to take a bath together or for me to help them. I have to savor the moments while I can.
While we’re savoring bath time, I trust Triple Wash and Triple Soap to keep my kiddos safe and clean. Be sure to shop for them on Amazon!
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