It’s taken me forever to get to this post but…

We’re engaged!!


And I couldn’t be happier. 

Anyways, I’m sure all of you who follow me on Instagram and Facebook are quite sick of hearing about this so I’ll keep it short.

Our trip to San Diego was absolutely amazing and I’m so sad it’s over. I’ll do a more detailed post about our trip in a few days. We got engaged at Disneyland and then spent the rest of the week relaxing and visiting family, it was prefect. 

Since being home, I’ve been working again, and now wedding planning! The wedding is set for January 2014 so we’re starting to get things together. I already found my dress and it’s perfect! 

I can speak for both of us when I say the last few weeks have been so exciting and we are so excited for what’s to come! This is such a fun time in our lives 🙂 


This I Believe 2013

My summer? Oh, it’s been completely amazing thank you for asking! 

No, but really. I’ve lost almost 10 lbs, I got to go on an amazing trip to Orlando with my wonderful sigma sisters, see Disneyworld, see Justin Bieber in concert, help one of my sisters get engaged, my best friend Clara came to town for a visit, and, in just 3 days, go on my first vacation with my boyfriend to my wonderful home San Deigo, see all my beautiful family and friends, and go to Disneyland with him.


Let’s start at the beginning. Tri Sigma’s This I Believe convention was an amazing experience! I am so incredibly grateful that I was given the opportunity to go on this trip. I learned so much about sisterhood, leadership, wisdom, power, faith, hope, and love. If you ever have the opportunity to join a sorority, do it. It will teach you values in leadership and so many other things. It will give you a community of sisters who are always there for you no matter what.

Our convention was held in Orlando, Florida at a Disneyworld resort. One of the days, we had a lot of free time and some of my sisters and I visited Magic Kingdom. That day, was truly, one of the most fun days of my life! 

We started the day by going to our convention educational sessions. We went to a session called, I Believe I can be a Modern Day Princess it was so much fun! We talked about how our core values can be seen in Disney princesses. 


We had after 2pm tickets for the park, and we had some time to kill before then so we headed to the pool to tan!

After that we were off to the park! We went of rides, met with characters, at delicious, fattening foods, even saw a show! We also did a lot of shopping!
Us in front of the castle 
Me and Alex eating pork legs and frozen apple juices. So good.
The beautiful castle lit up at night
Me and Alex with Mickey 🙂
We spent one night in Downtown Disney and had dinner at the Rainforest Cafe
Me with our shield at the Festival of Lights banquet
Us in our matching cardigans

Disney and Vera Bradley overload

Guys I leave for Florida in ONE day! I absolutely cannot wait! I’m going to Orlando for my sororities convention. I was so incredibly blessed to receive a scholarship and get to go for almost nothing, and it’s being held at Disneyworld and I’m excited out of my mind!


It should be a weekend filled with fun, sisterhood, and disney!!


Sorry, I’m not sorry.

Traveling always calls for a new Vera Bradley! I’m flying United and they charge $25 to check a bag, and I’d much rather spend that money on disney and sigma things, and since I’ll only be there 4 days, I’m taking everything in my carry on. So I needed a big enough bag for all my stuff! I had a coupon plus there was a sale so I took a lovely solo trip to the mall stopped in my favorite store, got a beautiful new bag, got a starbucks and had some me time on my day off last week. It was wonderful!


Two of my most favorite things

So for those of you who don’t know of my Vera Bradley addiction, I’ll fill you in. It’s out of control, I can admit it. But I have no intention of stopping, I love it! And there’s always something new and pretty to buy! Yeah, I’ve almost completely lost it. 


My collection


The evolution of my collection over the last two years

Anytime I travel anywhere, I use about 90% of my Veras haha.

I love everything about traveling, no matter how big or small of a trip. I love luggage, I love packing, I love airports, all of it! Most people find that stuff stressful, but I love it. 

I’ve been off carbs again this week, to cleanse before my trip. I did it for 2 weeks and lost 7 pounds. Then I took a week off, and now I’m back at it again. I’m gonna be less strict while on my trip, it’s supposed to be fun after all! Anyways, I’ve been spending a lot more time in the kitchen and getting a lot better at cooking! Here’s some low carb things I’ve been eating the past few weeks:

Baked chicken breast with a side of homemade guacamole


Chicken breast over a bed of spinach with bacon bits and oil and vinegar 


Desert! Berries and chocolate chips


Spinach salad with chicken, strawberries, and bacon bits. With a side of fruit and cheese!

So as you can see, lots of spinach and chicken, haha. No carbs doesn’t give you a lot of options. I’ve been cooking more for my boyfriend too, which is helping a lot. He works almost all day, every day so he hardly ever eats home cooked meals. When he comes over I try to make him something other than a sandwich or a bowl or cereal. 


This is french toast made from homemade, whole-wheat bread my mom makes, an over easy egg, and a chicken apple sausage

There’s gonna be even more Disney in my life once I get back from Florida. Two weeks after I get back, Kurtis, Mollie and I are going to San Diego to visit family and go to Disneyland! We’ll also be going to Sea World and the San Diego Zoo while we’re there. I couldn’t be more excited. We even got super cheesy matching tank tops to wear to Disneyland. 


They even say His and Hers on the back. Hey, I’m going all out.


Not much longer!

Needless to say, this summer is proving to be a great one. I even feel confident in a bikini these days, I’ve found I have a real passion for nutrition and clean eating, I get to go to Disneyland AND Disneyworld, and spend time with my wonderful boyfriend and family.

Couldn’t be happier.


Let’s Catch Up

Sorry, I know how long it’s been. It’s been forever. Not that any of you were actually waiting on the edge of your seats for my next post, but still. 

Saying I was busy would be an understatement to describe theses past few weeks so let’s start where I left off. 

My sister graduated high school a few weeks ago!!

Isn’t she pretty?

Mollie and Alina

We had family in town so that week was filled with going out to eat, and graduation parties galore. Needless to say, some very unhealthy eating 🙁

YUM. Boyfriend and I went to coldstone with his family for his brother’s birthday one night, my friend Kie is the manager there, he told me if he made me ice cream I had to put it in my blog.

Lunch I made my family on Mollie’s graduation day. She didn’t want to bloat in her dress but didn’t want to be hungry either. This is organic, non GMO pizza with a spinach salad and a side of strawberries. It was delicious.

So after my week of bad eating and having hardly any time to work out, I decided to do a little cleanse. Carb-free for two weeks. 

I can already answer your question, and yeah, it’s HARD. Carbs are what give you energy, and they’re in almost EVERYTHING. But I didn’t want to delay my progress more than I already had so I needed to jumpstart myself back onto the right track. 

And jumpstart I did! I’ve lost 4 lbs this week alone! And I’ve still been feeding my body and staying active. 

No carbs pretty much means tons of salads and meat. Last night I had bacon and eggs. High in protein. Carb-free. Delicious. 

I’ve been working A LOT lately (more on that later) so here are some examples of things I’ve been packing to take to work with me

This is as simple as it looks. Chicken breast over peas and corn. I even added butter and salt and pepper for flavor and didn’t feel guilty about the butter because I was so dang hungry from not eating carbs!

Spinach salad with turkey bacon, strawberries and mangoes, and an apple

Southwest chicken salad. I can’t take credit for this, it’s pre-made (costco all the way!)

So, as you’ll notice the above salad DOES have a little bit of carbs. Guilty. However, when I say going carb free is hard, I mean really, really hard. The first couple of days it was hard to get out of bed. I was light-headed, extremely hungry, and had ZERO energy. To help keep my energy up, I allowed myself a little bit of carbs each day. Such as some corn chips on top of my salad, a handful of pretzels, etc. 

This whole zero energy thing made it really hard to work out too. I stayed as active as I could, I would walk for 20 minutes on the treadmill, do some crunches, maybe some light weights. However, that only lasted for a few days, now I’m in week 2 and feeling a lot better 🙂 

It’s almost like I picked the perfect week to start this because I worked a million extra shifts at work and didn’t have time to workout anyways! 

For those of you who don’t know I’m a part-time manager of a yogurt shop in parker. It’s a small, family owned business. My best friend’s parents own it. Well, given that it’s a family owned business, a lot of their kids work there as well, so when they go on vacation, they take about half the staff with them haha. On top of that, they took one of their family friends along as well who also works at the shop. So we’ve been extremely short staffed so I’ve been working every day. Needless to say, my room is a mess, I really need to do laundry, and I’ve barely been home! I don’t really mind though, I’ll have a lot of extra money when I go to florida in two weeks (eek!).

So now that I finally have some energy back I’ve been more active. Yesterday my boyfriend and I went on a hike and I did a Tone it up! Bikini Series workout. Today I took my dog on a nice walk around my neighborhood and did another Bikini Series workout. 

Happiness. (please excuse my messy room)

So, Tone it up! I joined a few weeks ago and I highly recommend it! If you join the Bikini Series, they post a workout for you to do every day, that tones a different part of your body. They also post a lot of delicious recipes. They have a recipe for protein pancakes, which are amazing! They have no flour, sugar, or dairy. And they still taste great and are packed with protein! I’ve made them for my family and friends and they all agree they still taste delicious!

They also have a nutrition program, but that runs about $150 (the rest of it is free) so I’ll be getting that once I’ve gotten back from my vacation and have the money. If you home train like me, this is a great resource.

It’s great to home train. Who needs to spend tons of money on a gym membership when you can train at home? Luckily, my parents have been health freaks my whole life so I do have a lot of equipment available to me at home.

For those of you who read my post about Eddie Taylor a few weeks ago, I thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Eddie when to be with Jesus last week. Please continue keep the Taylor family in your prayers during this heartbreaking time.

Sorry for unloading! It’s been a while! More next time.


A Hectic and Heartbreaking weekend

Well it’s been a hectic couple of days. I’ll start at the beginning. 

My family drove up to Breckenridge with some family friends for the weekend! One of them knows someone who owns this HUGE house in the mountains that we got to stay in, it was BEAUTIFUL!!

We spent the first night just hanging out. Marie made carne asada and it was DELICIOUS. I’m still thinking about it! We played this game called Spot it, which was so fun! We were all yelling and screaming and laughing until we cried.

The next day I woke up to fresh waffles, bacon, fruit, and pumpkin muffins! But I was good and only had some fruit, yogurt, and a muffin (which my mom made from scratch at home before we got there!)

Then, we went out to lunch at a brewery whose name I cannot remember. They had a lot of delicious looking burgers and fried foods but I resisted and had a cobb salad with balsalmic vinagerette!

It was pretty good!

Then we walked down to a little bakery. My dad’s friend offered to buy everyone dessert, but once again, I was good and said no!

Then we walked around town and shopped for a bit. We were planning on staying another day. But we ended up going home that night. 

Before lunch, some of the friends we went up there with (Ed, Marie, and their daughter Caity) got a horrible phone call. Their oldest son, Eddie, was found unconscious and unresponsive in his front lawn and had been rushed to the hospital. They left right away and we went into the restaurant to eat and wait for news (we had no idea at the time how serious it was) We found out about an hour later that he had suffered a heart attack, but was stable. Comforted by the news that he was stable and going to be alright, we went out to the bakery and then to shop, but while we were shopping we got a text from Marie saying they had gotten bleak and horrible news. Assuming that only meant one thing, we went straight back to the house, loaded up our car, and left. Our new information was that Eddie was still stable, but had only a slim chance of survival. He hadn’t suffered a heart attack, but a cardiac arrest, and they had no idea how long his heart had been stopped before they found him and were able to restart it again. He was under heavy sedation and his body temperature was lowered to prevent further organ damage. 

Once we got home, my parents headed straight to the hospital, and I stayed home with my siblings. My parents were at the hospital for most of the night, went back the next morning and were there all day. Eddie’s family has barely left his side. Eddie is only 26 years old (much too young for cardiac arrest) He has been married only about 2 years and has a 5 month old son.

Right now, Eddie has been taken off of paralysis medication, and they have warmed his body up, now they are just waiting to see if he will wake up. 

Please, PLEASE, keep this family in your prayers. Pray for a miracle, that the Lord will heal their son, that he will wake up soon, and live a long and healthy life. Pray for his family during this tragic time, that God would provide them with peace and hope. Miracles can happen, our God is great and we. need. a. miracle. 

My heart is breaking for my dear family friends, and for Eddie’s wife and precious baby boy. Please keep them in your prayers for the next few days as they wait.

Eddie, his wife Rachel, and their son, Levi

(Stolen from Eddie’s facebook)

I have faith that God’s will will be done.

“"Then they cried out to The Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He sent forth his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave. Let them give thanks to The Lord for his unfailing love, and his wonderful deeds for men.“ Psalm 107:19-21

Today was a blessed day

As is everyday! Today I spent the day with my friend Meredith. It’s funny how the simplest things, like a day spent running errands, can be so much more fun when spent with a friend!

So today is May 1st, and it looks like this outside


Happy May Day!


Ack! Snow in my eyes! 

I started the day out by sleeping in! Yay! Then I got up and got ready for the day and went to meet Meredith at Panera Bread! What I love about Panera is that they post the calorie count next to every menu item! More places should do that, it makes eating out so much easier for those who are health conscious. So I ordered the Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad. Yes, Caesar dressing typically has a lot of fat in it, but, another great thing about Panera is they let you choose to get a half order or a full order. Getting a half order cuts the calories AND the price in half. So with my half order of salad, my meal was only 220 calories. Not bad! I did let myself eat the side of bread because I’ve been really good about staying away from carbs lately. It was warm and delicious!image


Meredith had soup in a bread bowl. So nice for a snowy day 🙂

Then, we went tanning!


I find few things more relaxing than sitting in a tanning bed. I know what you’re thinking “Tanning beds give you skin cancer!” but you know what…so does the actual sun and we all still lay out in that! Plus, don’t worry, I don’t fake and bake that often it gets expensive! This is the first time I’ve gone in about a year!

Then we headed over to FroYo to pick up my paycheck. We also got some yogurt while we were there as a treat because I had some free credits stored up.

Plain tart with strawberries, blackberries, and some chocolate chips!
Working in a yogurt shop I can be the first to tell you, frozen yogurt has a lot of health benefits! It’s a great, healthy, dessert alternative…if you do it right! Frozen Yogurt itself is low in calorie count and low in fat. Obviously, some flavors are better for you than others. It’s the topping that will get you. When you load on a bunch of candy, cookies, and sauces, it obviously isn’t so great for you. But getting fruit, nuts, maybe a little chocolate chunks for sweetness, you’re good to go! 
Then, the best part of my day, shopping! We headed over to Target to shop for new make up! We also made a stop in the shoe department 🙂 I only needed a few things but I ALWAYS walk out of Target with way more than I intended to buy! I ended up with almost an entire set of new make-up…oops! But like I said, moving home has given me more hours at work and therefore more spendable money so, yay for shopping!
Now I’m about to go for a run and then head downtown for my sorority meeting! Happy Wednesday! 

Long days ahead

Tuesdays and Thursdays are long days for me. Boyfriend and I have been carpooling to school ever since I moved back. Small setback; I get done with class at 12:15 and he’s not done until 6:15

So I have lots of time to kill. I had plans to work out in the student fitness center, and go to a Zumba class offered on campus, but then the entire PE building ended up being closed for a guest speaker, LAME. So I ended up spending pretty much all 6 hours in my sorority’s club hub space. Luckily some of my sisters were in and out throughout the day so I had some company! I had some things to do, I paid my bills, did some homework, went to starbucks for coffee, and Alfresco Greens for lunch! 

Something I’ve found myself doing a lot more lately is customizing my orders when I have to eat out. For instance, today at lunch I wanted a wrap. A wrap SOUNDS healthy, but they had no options that fit what I was looking for! I ended up getting a chicken bacon ranch wrap with some SERIOUS customizations, haha. First I asked for no tomatoes, (yuck, hate them!) then I asked for them to only put on half the bacon they normally would, I got balsalmic vinegarette instead of ranch, and a whole wheat tortilla instead of white. By the time I was done with it, it was a completely different wrap than what was on the menu haha. I HATE being that picky customer, but I would rather be that than cheat! Props to the dude at Alfresco Greens for being so cool. 


It was delicious and full of protein and greens!

I like to pack a handful of snacks to help get me through my long day. Today I packed, some Late July crackers, (Late July is a brand of organic crackers you can get at Whole Foods or Vitamin Cottage) some strawberries, some dried cranberries, an apple, and a babybell cheese. 


My favorite snack! I actually lost this water bottle at school today and I’m so sad 🙁

After a long day spent in the Club Hub wasting time online and watching Netflix, we finally got to go home, after spending some time napping and watching Supernatural, Kurtis went to see a movie with his friends and I headed home.

I FINALLY got all unpacked! I’ve been back for almost two weeks now and have not gotten around to it haha. I’ve been between rooms. My parents were letting me move into the basement, but it wasn’t quite ready yet. So I had some stuff in my old room, and some stuff in the basement, but tonight I finally got all moved in downstairs and I feel much better! image



I love leopard print and Vera Bradley, if you couldn’t tell 😉




Living room! (kinda) The bed is out because we recently had company


Ah, the gym equipment. My new best friends.

I am so thankful to my parents for letting me move down here. It’s a LOT more space than I had at the dorms, as well as my old room before I left. I feel like I can live here for a while and still be independent and still have my own space! How nice! Obviously, it isn’t all mine, but I’m still so grateful and happy! 


Back and Better than Ever

I’ve had an on and off relationship with Tumblr for a few years now. I obviously have trouble with online commitments. However, there are some things going on in my life that have made me want to start blogging again. If I put them on the internet for the whole world to see, then they can keep me accountable, right?

I recently moved back home (my parent’s basement to be exact, holla!) after a year away in the dorms at my college.


If there’s one thing I learned in my year away, it’s that I’m definitely a city girl. I loved living in Denver and that’s one of the few things I’ll miss about the dorms.


I spent my freshman year of college, at home, commuting to school by carpooling with my boyfriend who also lives with his parents in the same town. I wanted more than anything to live in a dorm or an apartment and have that real “college experience.” Now that I’ve had it, I’ve realized the “college experience” is completely overrated. Some things you have to learn for yourself though. 

When the opportunity came to live down in the dorms, I jumped at it. I was so excited! Sine what was holding me back in the first place was money, I got a job at the front desk of the building. In exchange for 24 hours of work per week, I would get free room and board. It sounded like a great deal, but it didn’t turn out to be so great. I don’t mean any offense towards the dorms or the people I worked with, I simply couldn’t make it work for me. Since I didn’t get an actual paycheck from this job I had to have another job to keep up with my car payment, cell phone bill, etc. The desk job was required to be my top priority, so I could only work two days a week at my other job which put a HUGE financial strain on me. I made just enough to scrape by with my bills with hardly any money left over for spending. 

My job at the desk was HELL. It was a 24-hour job so sometimes I worked at 2am, 4am, 6am, and sometimes I worked as many as 5 shifts in ONE day. The schedule was broken up so strangely and was different every week. It started to really take its toll on me, there were many sleepless nights and days where I had to work both my jobs in the same day, or days where I had to work a couple shifts before AND after I went to class. My life was MADNESS.


My alarms for my sleep schedule for work


One sleepless night at the desk

I didn’t even have time to have the social life required for the “college experience” I so badly wanted. Plus, I don’t party which is pretty much all dorm life is. You live in a shoebox, (which you have to share) and your neighbors smoke a lot of pot. 


My room at school, before and after the moving process

There were plenty of upsides to moving away. I made a lot of friends, luckily, I was best friends with my roommate, my coworkers were great, I got a sense of independence, I proved I was able to support myself, I got to live in the city, and I was closer to school. 





I miss them already 🙁

One of the greatest cons to my situation was my health. The food provided was anything but healthy. Typical dorm food, filled with sodium and fats. The food I was able to keep in the mini fridge in my room was limited to ramen and frozen dinners. Because I was so busy, I just ate what was available to me, and what was fastest. That meant, fast food, hot pockets, and pizza. There’s no secret as to why I gained as much weigh as I did. What was hard for me was trying to take it off, and never getting any results. After the initial weight gain, I threw out all my ramen and frozen dinners and tried to stick to the “healthy options” my dinning hall offered. These “healthy options” were still far from healthy, even the salad bar only offered fattening dressings like ranch and caesar. I’ll tell you, there’s nothing harder than resisting tempting foods when you’re SURROUNDED by them. But I tried my hardest, and I was in the gym every day. I saw a little improvement, but even the “healthy” foods I was feeding my body were still highly processed and full of sodium. It was what it was…dorm food. 


Yes, that’s a real conversation between one of my coworkers and me…I’m ashamed haha





Well, that’s embarrassing, but it’s part of the whole “being held accountable” thing!

I have always been a small girl, I’m a dancer, and my mother was a health nut so I ate healthy not even by choice but by habit. My weight was never an issue for me, I always figure I had a high metabolism, but such was not the case. I was just active, and my mother never fed me junk. Thanks mom!

This is not about my weight. This is about my health and it’s I change I’ve already made. Since New Year’s, I was eating as healthy as I could and working out while at the dorms, now that I’m home, I’ve kicked it into high gear. 

So, after some kicking and screaming, I decided I needed to come home. It’ll be a nice littler break. I only have to work one job, I can up my hours at said job to have more spendable money, get out of debt, be able to cook so I can have healthy and nutritious meals, work out, be closer to my boyfriend, SLEEP A FULL NIGHT ON A REGULAR BASIS. Big plus, I never have to get up at 3:30am for work again!

So, follow me on my journey to get my life back in order. Being happy, loving God, saving money, getting my grades up, strengthening my relationship with my boyfriend, being healthy, and getting in shape. This step in my life is an adjustment, but one I’m very excited for. While my year away was extremely hard on me, they are experiences I wouldn’t take back, and I’m so thankful to have them, I’m so excited for whatever is next in my life!!


Katie Love


Some healthy snacks!


This <3
Life 🙂 you only get one!