What No One Tells You

“That little pink plus sign is so unholy.” -Juno 


One day, life is carefree and fun. You’re young and you’re reckless, and your Friday nights include pizza, wine, friends, and more wine. But the very next day, life throws you a curveball you never would expect. And you think your life is over. All your plans are shattered. But maybe, just maybe, the curveball is the best thing that ever happened to you.

There are moments when your life changes forever. Graduations, weddings, moving to a new city, etc. But there’s nothing that can truly prepare you for when you find out you’re going to be a parent. 

The first, very real, and normal reaction is fear. I remember being alone in the bathroom, watching that little plus sign appear and choking back sobs. Sliding down the wall and sitting on the floor with my head in my hands. I took a moment to myself before going out to face my husband. I knew this was not what either of us wanted, but the news would be especially hard for him. How would we survive this? Financially? Emotionally? Physically? In the span of two minutes, everything is my life was different. A little stick had told me my future, and it was not what I had planned or expected. I felt sick, and I felt helpless, but most of all, I felt scared. I was not fit to be anyone’s Mom, I could hardly take care of myself! While I tried to calm myself down, I prayed and prayed, as I never had before for clarity, for reassurance, and for hope. After a second or two, I felt a different emotion. Joy. 

I clutched my stomach and let out a little laugh. Sure this was terrifying, but there was life inside of me. A little person my husband and I had created. 

The product of true love. 

That was the moment I became a Mother. And I know because for every second after that my first instinct was always protection. And although it took Kurtis a little longer, it became his as well. We prayed together for this child and that The Lord would change our hearts about it, that we could become excited. And we did. Our perspectives changed as we told friends and family, and watched them experience joy as well. We started talking names and planning a nursery. We talked with smiles on our faces about our future family, when we wanted more kids, and all the adventures we would have. 

Every emotion you experience during a big life change is significant. I cannot even believe the range of emotions I felt during that first 5 minutes, let alone the last 8 months! I have never felt so equally scared and joyful about something in my life. But I know The Lord has a handle on it, as well as on my heart. And as we prepare to become parents, we know we have nothing but love and support from everyone we care about. We can do this. 

I was able to catch up with my old friend Taylor and she told me all about her experience with dealing with the emotions of an unexpected pregnancy:

“I wasn’t married. I wasn’t engaged. I was half way through my schooling, we were young, and we were in love. The summer of 2013 had just begun and there was no one I wanted to spend it with more than my boyfriend at the time. We spent the first three weeks of summer in typical collegiate summer bliss, staying up too late and sleeping in all day paired with loads of junk food and friends. 

Then, one day, I missed my period. Convinced I shouldn’t be worried as it was only one day, I casually brought it up as he laughed and hugged me reassuring me that we would be just fine and we grabbed a pregnancy test “just in case”. He woke me up the next morning reminding me that I wanted to take it before he left. I moped out of bed and took it out of its package and did what needed to be done and then waited. 

It recommend 3 minutes, but no more than 3 seconds later a big, bold, blue plus sign appeared. To this day there’s no accurate way to describe what I felt or the thoughts that went through my head. My heart did not sink, it fell and shot through my feet. It was days before we brought it back up. I don’t think either of us really knew what to say, especially to not hurt the other person. Where there was always a constant fear there was a subtle moment of peace within myself. I questioned God’s work with me, what he wanted of me, and all at the same time I knew. I knew how lucky I was. 

Weeks went by and we told our families who while in shock came on board quickly and soon it came time to see this baby, a figment of our imagination, for the first time. His/her feet kicked and jumped and the hands waved and we cried. What a perfectly beautiful and absolutely incredible thing we were doing. Weeks turned into months and we were able to feel our little baby move around as we laughed and got ourselves ready. But one thing no one told me was that I would never truly feel “ready”. It all still seemed unreal, toting around a massive belly and all, I could never wrap my head around the idea. All I knew was that I was in for an emotional ride. 

40 weeks came… and 40 weeks passed. I was so misersble, and upset, and tired as I went in for an induction I didn’t begin to think I would actually be leaving with a baby. Contractions, water breaking, walking and walking and more contractions and I still had no idea what I was doing. It all blurred together, and then I heard it. My baby let out one big, bold, blaring cry. 

To explain that this moment is primal, instinctual, and so incredibly human doesn’t quite do it justice. I cried and reached for my little one, instantaneously I felt as if I had lived no life without him. How had I known happiness before this moment? I looked in his eyes and found peace, I found clarity and I saw what God had made of my fiance and I. He made us parents. He gave us life’s most beautiful gift wrapped in a bundle of beautiful emotions. God’s timing works wonders. To say that you have complete and total control of your life would be silly, there are things in this world that have to happen. They happen because God knows us better than we know ourselves. Even amidst confusion, frustration and pain I had experienced throughout my journey I know now that he sent my son to save me, even though I was unaware that I needed saving in the first place.”

Catch up with Taylor at 

@dirtydiaperdiaries on Instagram

And make sure to check out her blog at:


A few other blogging friends of mine wanted to share their stories as well!

Check out Marielle Petkoff’s piece on why she loved being pregnant here:


And @mrspetkoff on Instagram

Alessia S-Iera shared about dealing with Postpartum depression here:


Find her at @thestyledchild on Instagram 

Thank you to all the lovely ladies who were willing to share their stories with me! Go give them all a follow!


31 Weeks!

Wow, I was going through my pictures and realized it had been so long since I had just done a regular bump date to my blog! I love writing more in-depth pieces about how I’m feeling or things that are on my heart, but I love doing bump dates too to look back on! Here’s what Thumper and I have been up to the past few weeks.

p.s. I don’t link every post to my Facebook, so be sure to check out my instagram, or head to katielovelyy.tumblr.com and subscribe to not miss anything!


Baby is the size of a: Pineapple!

Craving: ICE (still), strawberries, green grapes, anything with cinnamon

Symptoms: Heart burn, restless legs, trouble sleeping, back pain, braxton hicks, frequent urination, and so so much more

I can’t believe I passed the 30 week mark! Baby could be here in 6-9 weeks. That’s single digits! He weighs anywhere from 3-4 lbs and all 5 of his senses are in working order. 

I’m still craving ice like crazy, but I did talk to my doctor about it at my last appointment. They tested me for an iron deficiency and I don’t have the results yet. She said if I am deficient in iron, I would just need to take supplements and other than that it’s not a huge issue and I can keep munching away! 

I’ve been really busy with a lot of things! I got really really sick last week with some sort of throat infection. I rested as much as I could while still keeping up with work and the house. When things get crazy, I need to remember to slow down and take time for myself to rest. Bubble baths and bath bombs from Lush have become my best friend! I also went on a Women’s retreat with my church and had so much fun. It was nice to get away and relax for a weekend, I met lots of great people, and had lots of prayer over baby. 


We also took a tour of the hospital and finished painting the nursery. The hospital was very very nice, but the tour made me very very nervous. I’m a huge baby when it comes to pain and get really bad anxiety with any type of sickness of physical discomfort (epidural for one, over here!). But as we were walking through the halls we passed a nurse pushing a newborn baby boy. He was so adorable, calm, and wrapped up in a blanket with a little hat on his head. Kurtis and gushed over him for a little bit, and I didn’t feel so nervous anymore. I knew that the next time we were at the hospital (hopefully), we would be meeting our son, and it will all be worth it. 

After that, I started looking into natural ways to keep myself calm during labor. I’ve ultimately decided I want to take a few pre-natal yoga classes during the next few weeks, diffuse oils during labor, and have my dad and Kurtis pray over me every few hours at the hospital. My mom bought us a cute little diffuser and we have been experimenting with different oils. We both actually really like it! We are only diffusing right now, but I do hope to get more into using essential oils topically and ingesting them for other things in the future.

Now that the nursery is painted we just need to move in all the furniture and decorate the walls. We already have almost everything, we just need to get it all set up! We put it off for a while, and now we’re scrambling to get it together to have it checked off our list. It’s coming together really nicely and I can’t wait to show everyone the finished product!


I’ve had the pleasure of being pregnant at the same time as my dear friend Lucy. Our families have been friends our whole lives, we were engaged and getting married around the same time, and now our kids will be the same age as well! She gave birth just last week to a beautiful little girl named Talitha, Kurtis and I went to visit and she is perfect. It really made us excited for our little guy to arrive. 


I was able to get my hair done for the first time since I got married, which was amazing! I got some balayage highlights, bangs, and about an inch taken off. It’s amazing what some pampering will do for you. And with my sisters wedding coming up, I really needed it! I know the next few weeks are going to fly by with the wedding and the baby coming so soon, so it was really nice to do something for myself. 


I can’t believe we’re almost there! This stage of our lives has been something completely new to us, and I’m so glad we had each other and the support of our friends and families through it all. Next comes the truly exciting part.



I don’t like change. 

Who does, really?

I like things that are familiar. Familiarity is so so comforting to me. Throughout my pregnancy, one of my favorite things to do to relax is set up my laptop outside a bubble bath, or in my bed and watch Netflix.

I watch the same things over and over again and that makes no sense to my husband. I like to watch Friends and How I Met Your Mother. I’ve seen every episode of both shows probably 3 or 4 times, easy. Kurtis doesn’t understand why I keep watching them, or rather, why I actually enjoy watching them.

It’s familiar to me. I know the characters. I love them. I can depend on them to make me laugh. I know the story lines. I know how they end, and I know they won’t disappoint me (Okay, HIMYM disappointed me a little, but I just skip that last episode and it’s all good).

When I first found out I was pregnant, I was so terrified. It is the biggest life change I could have imagined for Kurtis and myself. Everything was going to change. And not just a little bit, but drastically. I started watching HIMYM from the beginning and then moved on to Friends. It made me feel better. Comforted and safer somehow. I don’t like to take risks on new things.

This not only applies to Netflix but to every aspect of my life. I’m terrified by the idea of one day moving for Kurtis’ job because I love our little house and I love our little town and our families are here and I am so comfortable. But maybe I’m not supposed to be comfortable. Maybe God wants me to be uncomfortable so that I seek comfort in him. 

New things are scary. Change is scary. And that’s something I’m going to have to be better at dealing with as my world gets turned upside  down in a few weeks. My heart needs some work in this area, and I have to let The Lord work on me in that way. 

Baby steps. Maybe I’ll start by watching something new on Netflix…after a few more episodes of Friends of course. 


How things “Should” be

As a young wife and mother, I hear a lot about things I should’ve done by now. Things I should have accomplished before settling down. Get all the exciting and wild stuff done before the boring stuff begins, right?

The media is filled with articles telling you all the things to do in your twenties, or things to do before you get engaged. Let me tell you something, everyone is different! Everyone’s life pans out different and we need to get out of the mentality that there is one certain way to do things. There isn’t and there just never will be! 

I should have traveled

This is a big one. I love traveling and experiencing new things as much as the next girl but it’s just not realistic for me. I work 40 hours per week. Even if I wasn’t married, I would still work 40 hours per week because that’s what it takes to support myself. I can’t take a year off and travel Europe because my job can’t just be put on hold while I’m gone. And not only that, but traveling is so expensive. I don’t know how other people my age afford it, but seriously, good for you guys. I was fortunate enough to travel a decent amount when I was growing up, so I don’t feel too deprived.


When I scroll through my Facebook news feed and I see pictures and check-ins of friends spending semesters abroad or backpacking through Europe over the summers, yes, of course I am envious! Those are amazing experiences and I am so so happy that you get to have them. I’m not saying they’re not valuable, because they are, and you are so lucky to get to experience them. But the reason why I haven’t done it is not because my marriage or children are “holding me back” in any way. 

I should have a college degree

Oy. Can I please just start by saying school is not for everyone. High school was a struggle for me, and college was no different. Do you know what is different? College is optional! For those who knew me while I was pursuing a college degree, you know I was stressed out and miserable. I would try my hardest and still barely pass, or even fail. I am not a good test taker, and had trouble retaining information from lectures. I was working 2 jobs plus going to school and I just couldn’t juggle it all. I could not be more proud of my friends who are graduating right now! It’s an amazing accomplishment that should be celebrated, because I know how hard you worked. I chose not to continue with school because I absolutely hated it. Not because I got married or because I got pregnant. Those things are completely unrelated to my schooling, actually. School made me genuinely unhappy.  Kurtis has continued to pursue to his degree even after we got married, and after we found out we were expecting, and I am confident he will finish. Not only that but I will encourage him to finish, because school is important.    

Getting a degree is a huge accomplishment, and something that people work so so hard for. It’s amazing to finish college! Maybe one day I will go back, if it is necessary. But it honestly just wasn’t for me. And I have been so much happier this past year that I haven’t been in school! 

I should have a career

A lot of people want to focus on their career when they’re young and settle down later. I get that. Doing something that you love and working hard at it is so fulfilling. Making a name for yourself in your field and making good money can be so important! 

But you know what’s fulfilling for me? Going home to my husband every night. Making him dinner. Feeling our child move in my tummy. For some the idea of being “tied down” at this age is boring. Cooking dinner for a man is lame. And having a baby at my age is downright terrifying! I understand that! But I don’t feel deprived of anything by not having an illustrious career. I love my job working in fitness. It brings me genuine joy. Some days it’s hard but I am so blessed that I have a job that is flexible and that I don’t dread going to each day. 

And you know what the best job of all is? Being a mom. One of the reasons I was so okay with not going back to school after the wedding was because I knew one day I just wanted to stay home with my children. Having children happened a lot sooner than I anticipated, and I won’t get to stay home full time right away, but that is the best and most fulfilling career I can imagine for myself. It is what I truly feel called to do. I also look forward to the day when our kids are older and in school and maybe I go back to finish my degree and I do have that illustrious career every speaks so highly of. The idea of that is so exciting to me. Whether I get my certification in nutrition that I’ve been dreaming of, or I take on writing full-time, I know my future still holds exciting things outside of being a wife and a mother. While I’m beyond excited for my current adventure of being a mom, I know I don’t want to stay at home when they no longer need me to. 

Maybe I’m doing things a little out of order according to others. Maybe I “should have” pursued a career before a family, according to others. But according to me and God’s plan for my life, I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I was not encouraged by my family and friends to get married and start a family young. I was not discouraged either. All my choice are my own. I happened to fall in love when I was 16. And that was the biggest adventure of all. I wouldn’t trade that for a trip to Europe. 

Everyone does this thing called life differently. If you were able to check off everything on my above list by the time you were 23, that’s amazing! And I hope you are as happy with your choices as I am with mine. Your decisions are none but your own. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything by choosing to be a wife and a om instead of traveling or having a big career. And If you’re not currently a wife or a mom and you’re galavanting around Europe or Asia, or working hard pursuing a degree, you shouldn’t feel like you’re missing out on anything either! Do whatever makes you happy. 


Pura Vida Bracelets

Today I’m talking about a product I’ve fallen in love with! 

Pura Vida bracelets are amazing! If you’ve never heard of Pura Vida, they are a bracelet company based in San Diego, CA. They sell bracelets made by local artisans in Costa Rica, so every purchase helps provide full time jobs for the artisans. They support a lot of other great causes as well, and you can buy bracelets where the proceeds go to each specific cause. 

They are really unique. You can wear them solo, stack them, or even buy a pack! I currently have 3 and love to stack mine, and a pack is next on my list. I’m obsessed!

Check out Pura Vida bracelets and accessories at http://puravidabracelets.com and be sure to use KATIEB10 at checkout for an additional 10% off your purchase!



26 Weeks

26 weeks!

Baby is the size of: A head of lettuce

Craving: ICE, fruit, grilled cheese

Symptoms: Heartburn, frequent urination, trouble sleeping, achy back

Only one more week left in the second trimester! We are almost in the home stretch and I am getting so excited. For so long it felt like I was always going to be in early pregnancy and that this time would never come. I can’t believe I’m ¾ done and he will be here sooner rather than later! 

We’ve hit kind of a standstill with his nursery. I know what I want but we’re both so busy and I’m so tired! We still have to finish clearing all our “office” furniture out, paint, and then move his furniture in! 

The next two months are going to fly by! We’ve got so much going on! This past weekend I co-hosted a bridal shower for my sister with the other bridesmaids which was so fun, but very exhausting! I’ve got another shower coming up for her that I’m throwing, a possible women’s retreat, my sister’s bachelorette party, rehearsal dinner, WEDDING itself, friend’s baby showers, doctors appointments, hospital tours, continuing to work 40 hours a week, getting the nursery ready, family visiting, and LOTS of new and exciting things happening with my writing and my blog that I am so excited to share with you.

With all of that going on, before I know it, it will be July and he could arrive at any time after that! Ah! Here are some things we’ve been up to since it’s been so long since my last bumpdate:

25 weeks

Mollie’s Bridal Shower

Some of the baby things we’ve accumulated!

I’m pretty uncomfortable now. I don’t sleep very well and get up multiple times every night to pee. So great. Luckily, the doctor okay’d the use of Zofran for heartburn so I have that mostly under control now!

I had my 25 week appointment last week and had to take the dreaded glucose test. I had to drink the glucose first, and then go back for my check up. Kurtis and I had just gone out to lunch and I was very full before I drank it and it made me feel awful. During my appointment my doctor went to measure my uterus and pushed on my stomach which did NOT go well. I couldn’t keep the glucose drink down, and therefore messed up my results 🙁 I think it would’ve been a lot more embarrassing if I had been anywhere else! Doctors aren’t really phased by that kinda thing and Kurtis is stuck with me regardless, ha! Anyways, we finished up my appointment and she told me I had to come back and retest which I did today. I had a very light breakfast, took an anti-nausea pill, and was able to keep it down the full hour! I haven’t gotten my results yet, but fingers crossed that I passed! 

Baby still looks good. He moves around a ton, which Kurtis is able to feel now. So fun! I love that he’s active, it makes the whole thing seem more real. I had to actually step on a scale at my last appointment and the number I saw was not pleasing, but I had to remind myself this is only temporary and it’s all for him. The payoff will be worth it! 

Here’s to the third trimester!


I don’t know if I can share you.

I’m spoiled.


I married my high school sweetheart 468 days ago and it’s been me and him against the world ever since. He’s been the most important person in my life and I have been his. Every morning when I wake up, he is my first concern. We text while we’re apart and I spend all day excited to come home and see him. 

I love him more than I ever knew I was capable of. 

I’m a princess and I often get treated as such. He makes my safety his number one priority and I fall asleep every night knowing I am loved.

What am I going to do when that changes?

When I wake up and someone else is my first concern? When he loves and protects someone else just as much as he loves and protects me? When I don’t have him all to myself anymore?

What if there’s not enough love to go around?

These are the things that race through my mind as I’m laying in bed at night. How will we handle all this? One day poof everything changes. Suddenly, there’s another person added to our little team. A little person who is now in this with us till the end. 

14 weeks or less from now, it won’t be just you and I anymore. And while I feel excited, joyus even, there’s a deeper part of me that is so, so scared. We’re willingly giving up everything for our little guy. I would do it 100 times over because the love I feel for him when I feel him move in my tummy is stronger than anything I’ve ever known. I don’t even recognize it, it’s so new and intense and overwhelming. I’m sure those feelings are the first of many. As I sort through my feelings and worries about everything, I know two things for certain. 

#1 We can do this

#2 We may be expanding our little team, and that may be scary, but we are only going to be a stronger team because of it. 

My love for my husband can only grow as I watch him become a father. And while it seems sad to share his attention with someone else, he’ll be sharing my attention too. And we’ll have something new that we didn’t have before. 

Our own little family.

And that can’t possibly be that scary, right? 


“Behold, God is my salvation. I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord is my strength and my song; He also has become my salvation.” Isaiah 12:2

Easter Weekend/Babymoon Recap

Everyone should take a babymoon. (By the way, that’s babymoon, like honeymoon. Time alone with your significant other before the baby comes.My Instagram posts with #babymoon surprisingly confused a lot of people.)

Kurtis and I were getting overwhelmed with work. We haven’t had any real time off together since our honeymoon 1 year and 3 months ago! We planned to take a cruise for our 1 year anniversary and saved up all year for it. But then we found out we were pregnant and used that money as a down payment on a more reliable car instead, ha.

We had all these Southwest points saved up from our credit card and decided one day we needed to just get away together. We got permission from both of our bosses to have time off last minute, and booked a
flight less than 2 weeks away.

We didn’t have any plans and that’s how we wanted it. We didn’t want to be on a schedule, driving around trying to fit in a million things when we were only there 4 short days. We slept in every morning, hung out by the pool, drove down to the beach, ate yummy food, took long afternoon walks, and cuddled in bed eating candy and watching Jimmy Fallon every night. It was short, but it was exactly what we needed.

I highly suggest everyone take a babymoon! Not everyone has a bunch of southwest points, or can afford a trip, but just take a weekend and have a staycation with your significant other. It’s so important to make time for each other, and especially to enjoy your last time alone together before your little one
arrives. Just because you’re having a baby doesn’t mean your marriage should take a backseat!

Here are some snapshots from our weekend!



Feeling Good While Becoming a Whale

It’s hard to keep your confidence up when your body is going through so many changes. It’s tough to remember how beautiful you are. Trust me, I know. It’s worth it to take the time for yourself, you deserve it after all!

Eat right and engage in moderate exercise.

It sounds crazy, but when you’re pregnant is when you should actually be eating better!

What? I’m sorry but, this was the most disappointing thing I had ever heard. You mean I’m supposed to gain 35 lbs and I can’t even eat what I want?

This is half true and half not. Like everything, this has to be a delicate balance. Lord knows that your cravings are out of hand and the last thing you want is a kale salad (yuck). I was able to find a system that worked for me. Before getting pregnant, I was a very clean eater and I exercised 3-4 times per week, sometimes more. My pregnancy personally hasn’t been the easiest so I had to adjust this a lot after I found out I was expecting! When I started getting sick, working out was almost out of the question and I could only keep down dry carbs, and that was just the way it was!

As things progressed and got better, I was able to better get into the groove of things! I like to think that I eat mostly the same as I did before, but when I have a craving. I don’t deprive myself of it! If I’m supposed to gain 35 lbs anyways, shouldn’t I at least be able to eat mashed potatoes and gravy when I want to?

Luckily, my biggest craving has been fruit, so my binges are more on smoothies and virgin margaritas than anything! I love anything that’s fruity, icy, and cold. Most nights I just throw margarita mix and a cupful of ice into the blender and enjoy (I can balance the glass on my tummy now so that’s pretty cool too)!


It’s important to get the right amount of fruits, veggies, carbs, proteins, etc. for baby. You’ll feel better and have more energy if you’re not only eating the junk you’re craving. Mix it up! Get out and be active. I had to give up working out at Orangetheory 3-4 times a week because I just couldn’t keep up! I still do it 1-2 times per week and walk my dog every day and try to do yoga when I can. I always feel better and more energized after. There’s another member at the Orangetheory I work at who is 30+ weeks pregnant and she still works out there 5 times per week! That is great for her! But I can’t compare myself to her. Every woman is different and every pregnancy is different. Do what you can and what you feel comfortable with.

Here’s a sample of a basic half and half grocery list to keep you balanced, and still let you indulge! 

Frozen meats (chicken/steak/pork)

Frozen/fresh veggies


Bagged Salad

Greek yogurt



Pasta (Specifically mac and cheese!)

Frozen whole grain waffles

Mother’s Best Cereals

Granola Bars

Orange Juice


Regular or turkey bacon/Sausage

Almond milk

Regular/chocolate milk (for heartburn)


Whole Wheat English Muffins/Bagels

Ben and Jerry’s

One bag of your favorite candy (I have skittle stashed at work)


Anything else you may be craving right now

Seriously. Do not beat yourself up over what you chose to eat. You are putting your body through a lot right now so trust me when I say you deserve the donut. If there was ever a time to have one guilt-free, it’s now! Just make sure to have some veggies with your dinner. Keep it balanced! If you want mac and cheese for dinner, then you have it. You’re only pregnant for 9 months after all!

Take some time for yourself.

This is so important to me. Especially with how crazy things get in my life with working full time, keeping up with housework and my dog all while being pregnant in general, I have to make sure I stay sane! It’s so great to take some time to relax or pamper yourself or both! It’s amazing how good having your nails done can really make you feel if you’re feeling icky about yourself that day.

Take a bubble bath! But make sure the water isn’t too hot. I do this about once a week and not only is it relaxing but it’s great for my aching back and feet. A few weeks ago I actually got out of bed at 2am and got in the bath because I was so uncomfortable, and after that I was finally able to sleep.


Get a pedicure. Your feet are swollen and your belly is too big to reach your feet and do it yourself. 

Buy some cute maternity clothes! I know a lot of women choose to avoid maternity clothes as long as possible, but they really are so much more flattering than trying to stretch your regular clothes over your growing tummy. Maternity clothes really highlight your bump, and they are so much more comfortable. 

Do whatever makes you feel good about yourself. Get your hair done, get a spray tan, a new pair of shoes, a manicure, whatever you want! Pregnancy is such a feminine time of life, relish in it! You should feel beautiful. And I know personally that it can be really hard when you have an unwanted double chin in pictures, and swollen ankles, but do what you can to help yourself feel better. You are creating life, and there is nothing more beautiful that that!


Your body is amazing.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you, I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” -Jeremiah 1:5

It’s hard, I know. Gaining weight and not being able to see your toes anymore is not the easiest thing.  

It was hard for me at first. I worked really hard and was in very good shape before I got pregnant. Watching my body change in the way it has was depressing to me. I had eaten so clean and worked out 4+ days a week for months and now it was all going to go away in a matter of weeks? How long would it take me to lose the weight after? Would my tummy ever look the same again? Would I have stretch marks? I work for a fitness company and chose to publicly announce my pregnancy to our members. I was insecure about my weight gain and wanted everyone to know there was a reason behind it. That I wasn’t just being lazy and getting chubby.  My body changed quickly. I was visibly showing around 12 weeks and I had even started noticing a few weeks before. I noticed my lower stomach below my belly button start rounding out at only 8 weeks, and the top caught up about 6 weeks later. Before I knew it, none of my clothes fit and complete strangers  had started stopping me and asking when I was due. No denying it now! I look very pregnant.

It’s hard to ignore the comments. The “How many babies do you have in there?” and “You’re not due until JULY?” Let’s get one things straight people, yes, I’m POSITIVE there is only one baby in there, he’s just a big one! He’s not scheduled to be here until July unless something goes horribly wrong. 

I’ve learned to take them with a grain of salt. I know people don’t mean any harm by them. I’m not sure why or how I got so big, so quickly, but I did! I know it’s uncommon for first pregnancies to show early, I guess little man just wanted to make his presence known!

Lately,  I’ve been having more fun with it. This bump is seriously the greatest accessory and I have so much fun dressing it up! It took some time, but I’m realizing more and more how amazing a woman’s body is. This is why we were created. Why we were designed the way that we were. God did an amazing thing when he designed women.

Think about what you are doing. You are growing a human being. You are creating life. You will give birth and even after that your body will continue to provide nutrients for your child. And your body has to go through some turmoils in order to do this. You will be sick and tired, you will throw up, you will gain weight, you will get stretch marks, your hands and feet will swell, you won’t be able to tie your own shoes, but you know what? You will have done something absolutely incredible. I know that women get pregnant and give birth and breastfeed every day, but if you take the time to really really think about it, it’s absolutely amazing what we are capable of.

I know I can complain a lot, I’m sure we all do at some point. But this is the one thing that I can be sure will be worth it in the end.

I’ve come to realize that I’ve never felt more feminine than I do right now. I have a purpose to have this baby, and this baby has a purpose in this world. I’m more than willing to do my time. 9 months seems so little in comparison to what’s to come. My little man is such a precious gift from God and I would do this all over again if it means giving him life.

“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit” – 1 Corinthians 6:19
