The Perfect Coffee for Those Who Hate Coffee


My name is Katie Brown and I’ve always hated the taste of coffee.


Even as an adult, I still hate the taste of coffee. It’s so bitter and strong and awful.

But…I need coffee. I have 2 small children. One of whom is only 8 months old and does not yet sleep all the way through the night. I work from home full time and try to keep up on housework, laundry, entertaining my children, running errands, and attempting to keep myself in shape. I’m exhausted. All the time.

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Staying Motivated Through February

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Start Planner. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

I hate new year’s resolutions. I hate them.

But yet, January comes and I feel so inexplicably…motivated. It’s more than just New Year’s. It’s that the Holidays have just ended and it offers an opportunity. An opportunity to start eating better after the Turkey Dinners and the peanut butter balls. It’s a chance to clean and reorganize your house because you’re packing up all the Christmas decor anyways. It’s a chance to get back on a strict schedule because your days are no longer filled with shopping trips, cookie baking, shows, and holiday parties.

It’s not a fresh start because it’s suddenly January. It’s a fresh start because life gets back to normal. And what better time to reevaluate and reorganize?

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The Dreaded Swaddle Transition

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Nested Bean. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

The dreaded 4 month sleep regression. It’s no coincidence that babies go through a sleep regression around the same time they start rolling over, and therefore cannot be swaddled anymore.

When this happened with Sawyer (my oldest), it was killer. I remember the sleep deprivation all too well. So when Oliver started creeping up on 4 months, I started preparing myself. When he started rolling, I got out the trusty sleep sacks, and I prayed.

Nothing could have prepared me for how awful it has ended up being!

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Monster Jam is Coming to Denver!

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Feld Entertainment. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

Monster Jam is coming to Denver this week!

Monster Jam is the perfect weekend activity for you and your kids. If you have little boys (or girls) who love cars, trucks, or motorsports of any kind they will LOVE this thrilling and captivating show!

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Make the Most of Your Mornings



Ah, mornings.

Often the most hectic part of my day, but also sometimes the best. If I’m up before the rest of the house (usually the case), I get a few quiet minutes to myself to relax and plan my day.

Getting up a little earlier the past few months has really changed a lot for me. I’ve found that it’s great to get some quiet time to myself first thing, and by tackling the day an hour or 2 earlier, I’m actually getting a lot more done. It’s amazing what you’ll have time for if you start your day at 7 instead of 9! Here’s a few things I do to make the most of my mornings:

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How We Afford Two in Diapers

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Parent’s Choice. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

One thing everyone warns you about when you’re about to have kids: “Diapers are so expensive!” And then when you have your second baby: “You’ll potty train your oldest before he gets here, right? Two in diapers will be so expensive!”

And they’re not wrong. But I had my babies 2 years apart and Sawyer was not the kid who was ready for potty training at 18 months old. We decided to wait until after the baby came and the move was completed and things were settled before we introduced potty training.

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How We’re Enjoying Game Day


For the past 4 years of our marriage my husband and I haven’t been watching football.

And not because we don’t enjoy the sport. We both grew up with it and are actually huge fans of our respective teams. But when we first got married, in an effort to save money, we didn’t get cable. And my husband’s job required him to work a lot of weekends, so he was hardly ever off to watch the games anyway.

Every year as football season began my husband would say “this year is the year we’re getting cable so that I can watch football!”

And yet, every year, we elected to save money instead because he was hardly ever off to watch the games anyways.

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Disney on Ice Presents Follow Your Heart

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Feld Entertainment. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

Okay everyone, Disney on Ice was so much fun this year!

We had been hyping it up to Sawyer all week. By the time we loaded up the car to go to the show he could barely contain himself. “I’m going to see MICKEY MOUSE!!!” he kept screaming. It was so fun to see him so excited.

Once we arrived at the venue and found our seats, we waited for the show to start. Sawyer kept asking where Mickey was and it was so cute! They had a few figure skaters come out and do a little pre-show and they were very good and entertaining!

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Label your Everything with Name Bubbles!

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Name Bubbles. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

I have 2 kids. 2 boys, to be more specific. Boys are loud and rambunctious. They tend to run. They tend to yell. They tend to lost things. They tend to wander off.

Not only that, but as brothers, they have a lot of the same stuff. And Lord have mercy on the parent (me) that tries to give a 2 year old a sippy cup that is clearly his brother’s. Am I right?

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Minted Holiday Cards for the Last Minute Mama

Disclaimer: This Minted holiday cards post is in collaboration with Minted. All opinions are my own. Please visit my disclaimer page for more information.

I really thought I’d be on top of it this year.

I’ve self-coined the term “slacker mom” for myself and it rings true time and time again. I always tend to leave thing until the last minute and then throw them together as best I can. Luckily, I’ve gotten very very good at throwing things together, last minute. If I wasn’t so honest on this blog, you might not even be able to tell.

I wanted to get ahead of the game this year, so I contacted our favorite photographer about Christmas Card photos in October. Yep, I was actually going to do them early this year. (Want to shoot the perfect holiday card? Check out this article about showcasing your children in your holiday cards, and this article about posing your pets in holiday cards, and this article about matching family attire for holiday cards!) Or, so I thought. Then, my husband found out he would be starting a new job and going back to school and our lives quickly became a whirlwind for the months of October and November and we never did schedule those pictures.

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