This I Believe 2013

My summer? Oh, it’s been completely amazing thank you for asking! 

No, but really. I’ve lost almost 10 lbs, I got to go on an amazing trip to Orlando with my wonderful sigma sisters, see Disneyworld, see Justin Bieber in concert, help one of my sisters get engaged, my best friend Clara came to town for a visit, and, in just 3 days, go on my first vacation with my boyfriend to my wonderful home San Deigo, see all my beautiful family and friends, and go to Disneyland with him.


Let’s start at the beginning. Tri Sigma’s This I Believe convention was an amazing experience! I am so incredibly grateful that I was given the opportunity to go on this trip. I learned so much about sisterhood, leadership, wisdom, power, faith, hope, and love. If you ever have the opportunity to join a sorority, do it. It will teach you values in leadership and so many other things. It will give you a community of sisters who are always there for you no matter what.

Our convention was held in Orlando, Florida at a Disneyworld resort. One of the days, we had a lot of free time and some of my sisters and I visited Magic Kingdom. That day, was truly, one of the most fun days of my life! 

We started the day by going to our convention educational sessions. We went to a session called, I Believe I can be a Modern Day Princess it was so much fun! We talked about how our core values can be seen in Disney princesses. 


We had after 2pm tickets for the park, and we had some time to kill before then so we headed to the pool to tan!

After that we were off to the park! We went of rides, met with characters, at delicious, fattening foods, even saw a show! We also did a lot of shopping!
Us in front of the castle 
Me and Alex eating pork legs and frozen apple juices. So good.
The beautiful castle lit up at night
Me and Alex with Mickey 🙂
We spent one night in Downtown Disney and had dinner at the Rainforest Cafe
Me with our shield at the Festival of Lights banquet
Us in our matching cardigans